Chapter 1: The beginning of LOVE

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Once there was a girl from a very far away land. Her name was derived from the combined names of her parents. Esther was her mother's name while Gabriel was for her father. Her unique name was Esriel. Esriel was the only child of Esther and Gabriel. They considered her as their "lucky one" for they only have her after ten years of being together. The couple almost prayed to all the gods in their place just to have a child who they wished for a long time.

          "I just went to a doctor for I wasn't feeling well for the past days. I usually vomit in the morning and very sleepy most of the time" tells Esther. Silence wrapped the whole house as their cat jumped over into Esther's lap. "Gabriel, I'm two months pregnant" Esther continues.

          "Are you sure?" asks Gabriel. "Yes. A wonderful blessing is on our way" Esther replies. "Then we need to celebrate. At last, our prayers were answered by the gods" Gabriel exclaims.

There was a banquet that happened after three days. All the nearby neighbors were invited. Esther and Gabriel tried to invite their families, but they didn't attend the thanksgiving party. Their families were against to both of them. So what they did was to live on their own and to leave their villages for good.

Esther was arranged to be married to a wealthy business man while Gabriel was having a girlfriend that time that was liked by his parents. Gabriel met Esther when he went for a soul searching in a town shared by his friend. Gabriel and his girlfriend had a fight the night before he left. He wanted her to set him free for he was never happy in their relationship. But the girl disagreed, so Gabriel didn't let his parents and girlfriend knew about his plan.

Gabriel started his journey the early morning of the next day. He was so exhausted when he reached the place. While having some rest in a tree, a girl suddenly walked in front of him. She was crying. Gabriel offered his hanky to her because she had nothing in her hands.


          "What's wrong? I could help you if you needed to" says Gabriel. "My parents wanted me to marry a guy whom I don't love at all. They kept on insisting, but they never listened to me" replies Esther.

From then on, both of them see each other every day. Until they never knew that they were falling for each other already. They tried to hide their relationship, but someone told about it to her parents so they had no choice but to admit it. As expected, they were against to Gabriel. Because of his undying love for Esther, he took her away from them unknowingly. When they reached home, Gabriel introduced Esther to his parents. Unfortunately, they were also against in their relationship.

          "No one can destroy my love for Esther. If you cannot accept us, we will start a family of our own that is away from you" says Gabriel.

*End of Chapter 1*

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