Chapter 8: Meeting him again

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Esriel suddenly remembered the guy named Eros while lying on her bed. She tried not to think of him, and rather have a rest for they had a very tiring day. But apparently, Esriel couldn't sleep that evening, maybe for some reason.

          "In fairness, Eros is a good guy, I think" she whispers. "But I have to forget about him now. I need to wake up early tomorrow" adds Esriel.

The next morning was an unexpected day for Esriel. First, she needed not to cook for breakfast because Castor brought them food.

          "I have something for all of you. A delicious breakfast which I cooked earlier. I wanted to surprise my parents and of course, my other family too" tells Castor.

          "Wow! I never knew that you can cook" says Esriel. "Anyway, thank you, Castor. We appreciate your thoughtfulness" adds Esther. "That's my boy!" exclaims Gabriel.

After having their breakfast, Gabriel walked out of the house first, as usual. Castor and his family went early in the market to fix some things regarding their continuous stay as vendors of fishes. While walking together with her mom, Esther said something to Esriel,

          "I have good news for you. You can enroll for college next month. Your father and I have completed the needed amount of money for your studies" says Esther. "Really mom? I can't explain how happy I am now. Thank you, and I love you and dad so much" replies Esriel.

She hugged her mom so tight even some people were looking at them in the street.

When they were almost near there place in the market, Esriel noticed a guy standing along their vegetable stand while talking to Castor. He was not looking towards them, so she was a bit curious who he was. She just considered him as an early customer, perhaps.


          "You go first, Esriel. I need to talk to someone" says Esther. The guy was still talking to Castor when she was about to reach the area. Unexpectedly, the guy was Eros.

          "Good morning miss. We'll, I'm here to buy some vegetables. Honestly, I'm assigned to cook for my group mates for our lunch" says Eros.

          "Wait a minute, sir. I'll just have to fix them first for you to choose from" answers Esriel. "Thanks Castor for your time" Esriel adds. "Don't mention it" replies Castor.

Esriel felt something strange while arranging the vegetables. Maybe because Eros was looking at her. Actually, she must be used to it if a customer is looking at her because she had encountered such  incidents before. But the sight of Eros was different.

          "Are you okay, miss? You seems so disturbed. Are you uncomfortable with me?" asks Eros.

          "No. I'm okay. Anyway, you can choose now what vegetables you prefer to buy" replies Esriel.

After paying for what he bought, Eros says "Thank you, miss." As he was about to look back, Eros suddenly remembered to ask for something, "I hope you won't mind me in asking for your beautiful name, miss?"

          "I'm Esriel..............................Esriel Sanchez."

*End of Chapter 8*

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