Chapter 21: The unexpected news

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By the time Esriel reached home, she kept on thinking who the girl was. Deep inside, she was also eager to know the new girl.

          "Is she from our school also?"

          "What year and course? Maybe, she's from another department."

          "Or it can also be, she's from other school. Perhaps, they met during the band competition." mumbles Esriel.

Her parents kept on talking in front of the dining table and yet Esriel's mind was floating in the air. 

          "Hello? Are you there? You're physically present, but it seems that you're not with us" says Esther.

          "Oh, I'm sorry" replies Esriel.

          "Just always remember that we're always here to listen for your problems" Gabriel adds.

          "I often keep that in mind. But not to worry 'coz I'm totally fine" Esriel says.

Before going to bed, she continued first in doing her project. After two hours of continuous working with it, she felt sleepy. By the moment she opened her eyes, it was already early in the morning.

         "Good thing you're awake, sleepy head, it's almost 6:00 am" her mother says.

          "Oh mom, I slept late last night. I did my project, that's why."

Gabriel went for work early that day because he had to finish some works of his co-worker who has filed a leave for three days due to illness.

After having breakfast together with her mom, Castor came in along with his mom, Adora.

          "We have something for you" tells Adora.

          "My mom made a cassava cake for my dad's birthday today" Castor adds.

          "Oh, thank you. Where's Simon?" asks Esther.

          "He had to go to the market first to buy fresh fishes" Adora replies.

          "I think I'll bring some of this cake in school. It looks so yummy" says Esriel while smiling.

While waiting for their first class of the day, Castor saw Akira sitting on a bench. He asked Esriel what they talked about yesterday. Perhaps, Castor noticed something about her. But instead of telling him what happened, she just took her bag and told Castor that they'll be late for class.

          "Hey guys, you're all invited for a benefit concert at 6:00 this evening."

          "It's going to be "The Cube" band who will entertain everyone" exclaims Mrs. Amara.

          "Yey!...That's great!" shout the girl students.

Esriel begun to feel uneasy. It seemed that something unexpected will about to happen.

          "I'm sure that Akira will be there" she whispers.

          "I and Castor must be there too, just in case Akira will do something" Esriel adds.

It's almost an hour before the benefit concert. Esriel and Castor planned to look for Akira so they will go together. But before they started looking for her, Akira came along and asked if she could join them.

          "Oh sure. Actually, we were about to look for you, but  you came first" says Esriel.

The three of them went to the gymnasium. They were seated in the front row so they could have a better glimpse of them. At exactly 6:00 in the evening, "The Cube" band came out.

Eros was wearing a black shirt, blue jeans, and a black chuck taylor rubber shoes. They started playing all their songs, mostly alternative and rock music.

Before he sang their last song, Eros gave a short and spontaneous speech.

          "My last song is very special for me. I, actually wrote the lyrics of it, and even the melody was created by me. This song is dedicated to a beautiful young lady and I hope that she will like it."

          "For you, Ms. Esriel Sanchez."

*End of Chapter 21*

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