Chapter 25: A Frienemy? (Friend or Enemy?)

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After leaving Ben, Esriel's heart seemed to be torn apart. She loved being with kids actually, but with the case of Ben, who was in a terrible condition, made her even weaker in some sense.

Eros somewhat felt Esriel's emotional perception towards the kid, so he immediately showed his affection to her. He knew that it wasn't easy to see Ben's situation, for he also felt the same way during the first time he met him.

          "Don't worry, Ben is strong" whispers Eros.

          "Yes he is, I can see it in his eyes" replies Esriel.

Both of them got back to the car and brought Esriel to there home safely.

          "Thanks ma'am and sir for allowing me to be with her."

          "By the way  sir, I'm Eros. I met Mrs. Sanchez awhile ago when she and Esriel were in the market."

          "My wife told me about you. Thanks also for taking good care of her" Gabriel says.

When Eros left, Esriel's parents curiously asked for some more questions. (Most parents would also do the same way, for sure.)

          "Who's Eros? Is he courting you?" Gabriel asks.

          "He's my friend dad" replies Esriel.

          "I could feel that he's a good guy, but that doesn't mean that we're already approved for him to court you" says Esther.

          "You're still young. Let your studies be your priority first" adds Gabriel.

          "Don't worry mom and dad, I will never disappoint you" replies Esriel.

While having dinner, Esther shared to them that Castor encountered bad guys as he was about to return back to the market earlier.

          "How was he mom? Was he injured? asks Esriel.

          "Thank God, he's fine. Some blood were on his face and his shirt was a bit torn" Esther replies.

          "Sad to hear about that" Gabriel says.

Few minutes later, Esriel went to her room. The whole day was somewhat tiring, but for her, it was a day that would be worth remembering. Actually, it was more than just being with Eros, but for Esriel to experience and see the other side of life.

Another lesson was that, simplicity could lead to greater opportunities. In the case of Ben, his disability wasn't a hindrance to live normally.

          "Thank you so much, Eros" she whispers.

Esriel closed her eyes with a different kind of happiness left in her heart.

Castor was cooking for breakfast when Esriel came along.

          "Hey, are you really fine?"

          "Yes, no need to worry, Esriel"

          "By the way, why did you go with Eros yesterday?" asks Castor.

          "He's my friend remember" replies Esriel.

Castor wanted to ask for questions, but he refused for Esriel might thought that he was becoming a strict friend. The truth was, he was beginning to feel a different kind of emotion for her. Before, Castor thought that it was just a simple attraction, something which could slowly fade one day.

But he was wrong. Totally wrong.

          "I never want Esriel to leave me."

          "No one can take her away from me."

          "I will do everything to make her mine. Only mine" Castor whispers.

*End of Chapter 25*

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