Chapter 23: Jealousy begins

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          "How are you?" asks Castor.

          "I'm fine" replies Esriel.

Both of them were in the market helping their parents when a car suddenly stopped outside there place. Nobody knew who was inside because no one came out. Perhaps, it took fifteen minutes before the person got out from the car.

          "Good morning, sir. Is Esriel there?"

          "No, she's in the market" Gabriel replies.

          "Okay sir, thank you."

          "You're welcome. May I know who you are?" Gabriel asks.

          "I'm her friend."

The car immediately started its engine by the time the person entered. After a few minutes, Castor came holding a basket of fishes. He had to deliver those fresh fishes to Gabriel because a co-worker of him ordered for it yesterday.

          "Someone came here awhile ago looking for Esriel" says Gabriel.


          "I don't know.  She's a girl, actually."

          "It's Akira" mumbles Castor.

          "Did you tell her that she's in the market?"

          "Yes" Gabriel replies.

          "Okay, I'll go ahead. By the way, these are the fishes."

Castor went as fast as he could to the market. He was worried because Akira might do something to Esriel, and her mom might be hurt as well. But as he was walking in front of a vacant lot, a group of men came near him.

          "Give us your valuables or else I will punch you" a guy says.

          "I don't have even a single of it" Castor replies.

          "Oh c'mon, you're making us angry."

So they had beaten him, for he never gave anything. There were some blood on his face and a part of his shirt was torn out. After they left him, he slowly stood up and continue to walk going to the market.

          "I have to be there for Esriel and her mom" he whispers.

As Castor was getting near, he saw a red car outside the market. He ran as fast as he could, for he was very sure that Akira was already there, maybe insulting Esriel.

When he entered, there was no commotion happening.

          "Thank God that Akira is not being violent" he whispers.

Esther was busy talking to a buyer the moment he reached their stall. But the customer went away after a few minutes.

          "Where's Esriel?" asks Castor.

          "She's with a friend. By the way, what happened to you?" Esther says.

          "I just encountered a group of bad guys. But I'm okay. You allowed her to be with Akira?"

          "Who's Akira?" asks Esther.

          "Oh well, it's a long story. So you allowed her?" Castor says.

          "Esriel was invited by a friend, Eros. He seemed very sincere and respectful, so I gave my blessings" Esther adds.

Castor almost fainted the moment he heard about Eros. Ever since he delivered the fishes to Gabriel until he got back to the market, he only thought about Akira and the possible things that she could do to harm her.

He became silent as he went to his parents. They told him to rest after what happened to him, but Castor denied.

He tried to focus his full attention to his works rather than thinking of what was happening between Esriel and Eros.

          "Why did Esriel didn't wait for me?" whispers Castor.

*End of Chapter 23*

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