Chapter 11: What a surprise!

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Esriel and Castor woke up very early on the scheduled date for their scholarship test. They were both a bit nervous but it was more of excitement that triggered them to become optimists. Upon reaching the school, they immediately went to the room assigned for the examiners. Many students were also aspiring to become scholars. Perhaps, financial difficulty was a common reason for all of them.

Few minutes after taking their seats, a woman entered the room. Actually, she was a professor and the one assigned to supervise them while having the exam.

          "Good morning everyone. I'm Mrs. Amara. You'll be having the test for four hours. After two hours, you will have your break for fifteen minutes. Then you need to be back here and we'll continue the test right away. If you'll be having any questions during the test period, don't ever ask it from your seatmates. Let me be the one to reply with your queries. You may now start the test" she said.

Silence was all over the room for two hours. No one had any questions for the first part. After that period, break time for them. Esriel and Castor went to the canteen to have their snack, and at the same time, to rest their minds.

          "It's just the first part and we still need to finish the next one. Honestly, the first part of the test was difficult. What do you think?" asks Esriel

          "Yes, it was really difficult. I hope that the second part is now easier" replies Castor.

They were back in there room after the break of fifteen minutes.

          "You'll have now the final part of the test, and again, you will have it for the next two hours. As I've said earlier, ask me in case of further questions. You can begin now" Mrs. Amara said.

A bell rang at the end of two hours, "cling, cling, cling, cling."

          "You may now pass your papers. You can likewise relax yourselves, guys and gals."

          "Good luck everyone" tells Mrs. Amara before bidding goodbye.

Everyone were feeling nervous after taking the test. Actually, it wasn't easy as some of them expected. Esriel was somewhat speechless, for she was unsure about the result of the exam.

          "Are you okay" asks Castor.

          "Yes, it's just that what if I won't make it? Esriel replies

          "I, too have same sentiments. But we need to be positive" says Castor.

Both of them returned back in the market. Their parents were actually waiting in there respective stalls.

          "How was it? asks Esther.

          "The test was really difficult, mom. But I exerted all my efforts, I'm sure that Castor did the same thing" replies Esriel.

          "Yes, I did. It was also announced that the result will be mailed to us after three days" adds Castor.

They pretended to be fine amidst the feeling of nervousness within them. Days have passed and yet they were unsure about the test results. Day 1....2....3. The day they're waiting for. As expected, both of them received their respective mails.

The letter says.........."Congratulations! You have successfully passed the test for scholarship grants. Enrollment is now going on for freshmen students."

*End of Chapter 11*

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