Chapter 18: A birthday surprise

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Days and months have passed and the three of them became very good friends. In addition to that, Esriel and Akira considered each other as real sisters. There were times even that Akira visited Esriel and Castor in the market. She became known to their parents, as a matter of fact, they liked her for she wasn't just a helpful friend but also a respectful daughter.

          "You and Esriel are so lucky to have her as your friend" whispers Simon.

          "Your father has a point. True friends are hard to find" adds Adora.

          "That's why we're so thankful" replies Castor.

On the other side, Esriel suddenly remembered Eros. She sometimes see him in school, but they had no chances of meeting together. Lately, she was busy doing her project together with Castor and perhaps, Eros was also busy rehearsing with his band aside from his studies.

          "How is he?"

          "Is he okay?" she mumbles.

          "Hey Esriel, Akira is waiting for you" says Esther.

          "Okay, I'm coming."

Esriel accompanied Akira in going somewhere. They tried to call Castor, but he was busy helping his parents for they received a bunch of orders for that day.

          "Where we're going, Akira?"

          "We need to buy some stuff....a cake, balloons, etc."

          "For a birthday party?" asks Esriel.

          "Yes!" she replies.

Esriel wanted to ask for more but again, she became hesitant. So she had no choice but to follow Akira's footsteps. After few hours of shopping, they got tired. Akira and Esriel went for snack in a resto bar. 

          "So sorry to bother you this way" says Akira.

          "No worries. We're friends...and now, as sisters" replies Esriel.

After they finished their snack, Akira grabbed Esriel's right arm and excitedly gets out of the resto bar.

          "I can feel that this will be my lucky day, Esriel."

          "That's the spirit!" Esriel exclaims.

They called for a cab and Akira gave an address to the driver. As far as Esriel could described her, she can see a sparkle in the eyes. Akira was very happy that time, and Esriel didn't want to spoil that happiness she had from within.

The cab stopped in front of an old house, and the lawn was so wide with a fountain at the center. The gate was open so both of them entered.

             "Don't be afraid, Esriel. Just follow me" whispers Akira.

A woman in a white dress came out of the door as she was about to knock.

          "Good morning, is he here?" asks Akira.

          "Yes ma'am, come inside and I'll call him" the woman replies.

The house was full of antique decorations. For Esriel, that was really amazing for she had also interest in collecting antiques. But during that time, she wasn't able to do her passion because of other important things.

A guy in a white shirt and jeans came out from a room, but not looking towards them.

          "Happy birthday!" says Akira.

          "Eros?" Esriel whispers as he looked at them.

          "These are all for you. Hope you'll like them all" Akira adds.

          "Esriel? What you're doing here?" asks Eros.

          "You know her? By the way, she's my friend" Akira replies.

*End of Chapter 18*

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