Chapter 33: New beginning for friendship

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Eros left with a smile on his lips. Even Esriel and her parents were happy about what happened. Everything turned out to be okay between Esriel and Eros. Both parties have understood the situation in a nice way. For Eros, he felt relieved because Esriel's parents gave him the chance to prove himself even he had to wait for the right moment for them to be freely in love.

But before he left, Eros was able to tell Esriel that Akira would be going back to her home country, Turkey. With that case, she could start a new life together with her family and soon-to-be man of her life.

Esther and Esriel visited Castor the next day. He still seemed upset because he felt that Eros was already the lucky guy who owned the heart of Esriel.

          "Fighting for your love doesn't mean doing it in a violent way."

          "By merely accepting the truth is a sign of true love."

          "Your friendship with Esriel will never end, as a matter of fact, it will grow even bigger and happier with the presence of a new friend, Eros" says Esther.

Esriel nodded as she looked towards Castor.

          "So stop feeling betrayed. I can never do that to you, I swear."

          "Let's bring back the old days, when we used to enjoy the roller coaster ride of life."

Castor became speechless upon hearing them. Actually, he couldn't face Esriel and her mom after how he acted for the past days.

          "I'm really sorry especially to you, Esriel."

          "I became selfish, for I just considered my own happiness."

          "I was a good friend to you through the years, but wasn't a good sport in love."

          "Now I know where I should stand truly. That is to be your very good friend for keeps."

Castor approached Esriel as he gave her a tight hug, while Simon and Adora were with Esther watching them.

          "Thanks God for they are okay now" says Adora.

           "This calls for a celebration!" exclaims Simon.

********************THE END********************

Thoughts to Remember:

"Love isn't always about the affection you have for someone; remember that it's also more of the ACCEPTANCE you're willing to extend to the one you love."

"The truthfulness of your words is enough reason for a love to stay meaningful no matter the distance, age gap, or time differences are hindrances along your relationship."


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