Chapter 2: The coming of a new life

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Gabriel puts his right arm over Esther's shoulder as they walked away from his parents. They met Gabriel's girlfriend who was having tears in her eyes as they stepped outside the door of their house.

          "Where we'll go now, Gabriel?" asks Esther. "I don't know yet. What's important is we're together" replies Gabriel.

          "I love you, Esther." "I love you more, Gabriel."

The two of them decided to look for a place where they couldn't be followed by anyone. Fortunately, they have found one. At first, they seemed strangers in that place, but they tried to live with all the people there. Until finally, Gabriel and Esther were considered as their newest family members in the community.

As days went by, Gabriel told Esther that he wanted to marry her. Without further ado, Esther accepted his proposal. The two love birds got married having their friends and neighbors as witnesses. They were both twenty years of age so it was permitted by the priest.

They lived happily in that village except for the reason that they still didn't have a child after five years. They tried almost everything that their neighbors suggested them to do, but unluckily, Esther didn't became pregnant. Their were times when the couple almost gave up, but a dear friend told them to stay positive and continue to pray to all the gods.

          "Someday, I will bear our own child, Gabriel. We should not lose hope" tells Esther. "Yes, and that will be the happiest moment of our life. We've gone through a lot of rocky roads already, and we succeeded because we're always together" answers Gabriel.

Gabriel and Esther lived normally as the other people did. They tried to forget the sadness within their hearts, for they believed that someday their wish to have a child will be given to them. Gabriel was a carpenter in a nearby business establishment in the village while Esther was selling fruits and vegetables in the market along with some of their neighbors.

As workers by day, both of them were exhausted as they reached home at night, but they never forgot to pray and begged to have that lovely child.

          "My husband and I will do everything you wanted us to do" says Esther.

          "We only ask for our own child, and nothing more will be ask for" adds Gabriel.

But still, their prayers were unanswered. The couple worked so hard in all days in order to lessen the pain that was within them. Their neighbors showed them that they were always there to support no matter what might happened.

Just after Esther's 30th birthday, she begun to feel something. All she knew was, she just needed rest for she became too busy in selling for the past days. Esther didn't told it to his husband so he won't get affected too much and he would probably got worried. One day, Esther's friend saw her as she was about to vomit when she got home. She told Esther to visit a doctor to determine what was her condition.

Esther visited the doctor on the next day. After an hour of talks and testings, Esther told that she was two months pregnant.

*End of Chapter 2*

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