Chapter 5: The foundation of FRIENDSHIP

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Esriel and Castor became good friends as days went by. They treated each other with respect and humility. Both of them were always there for their parents. Accompanying them in the market isn't that easy, but because of the love they have for them, Esriel and Castor were able to include fun and enjoyment while inviting for customers to buy their goods.

          "What a tiring day again for us, but it's all worth it. I'm still with my family, and of course, my best friend is right beside me" tells Castor. "Wow! Aside from that, we are all happy, right? says Esriel."Of course we are" adds Castor.

          "Thanks for the bicycle ride. I really had fun" says Esriel. "No worries, until tomorrow again" Castor replies.

Esriel's mom was cooking for dinner when she came home. Esther got home first for she isn't feeling well. "You don't have to do it, mom. Just take a rest" tells Esriel. "I feel better now after taking a medicine earlier" answers Esther.

          "It looks like we're having a special dinner. I could smell the aroma even I'm still outside our house" Gabriel says. "Everyday is a special day for us, dad" replies Esriel. "Okay, okay, we can have our dinner in a short while" says Esther.

In the middle of their dinner, they shared some of the everyday experiences they encountered. Their life was simple, and yet they were able to face all the circumstances with optimism and faith. The family ended the day with peaceful minds while looking forward for a better tomorrow.

The next day begun with the sweetest smiles shared by Esriel, Esther, and Gabriel. They first had breakfast before going to work. Just after eating, Gabriel had to leave early so that he could do more works in the construction site. A co-worker of him has filed for an absence.

          "Good morning! I can give you a ride for today; my parents were already in the market to buy fresh fishes for us to sell" Castor says. "It's my first time to ride on a bike" tells Esther as she smiles. "Don't worry mom, you'll be fine. I'm here with you. For sure, I'll kill Castor if something happens to us..........Just joking" Esriel laughs.

          "I'm a safe driver, ma'am" Castor replies.

When they reached the market area, Castor helped them in carrying the fruits and vegetables. He first delivered the goods to Esriel's location before going into there place. His parents were already busy selling fishes when he arrived.

          "It's a good thing that you're already here" tells Simon. "We do have a lot of buyers now" adds Adora. In their family, Simon was Castor's father while Adora was his mother.

          "That's good news. I'm more excited in selling then" replies Castor.  As expected, he and his parents became very busy. Esriel and her mom were also having lots of buyers that time. They have heard from a vendor  near them that  groups of tourists and excursionists were there to visit the place. That was actually the first time that a great number of individuals came to know more about there community.

*End of Chapter 5*

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