Chapter 13: The day that begins with Eros

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Esriel immediately grabbed Castor's right arm and moved out from the gymnasium.

          "Why? Was there something wrong?" asks Castor.

          "Nothing. Remember it's our first day of class, we shouldn't be late even a single minute" Esriel replies.

But as they were walking going into their first class, Esriel's mind seemed to be left in the gym. She was physically beside Castor, but kept on thinking about Eros. Actually, so many questions were waiting for an answer, and that could only make her calm.

          "Why is he here?"

          "Is Eros also studying here?"

          "What course and year?"

          "Why I felt that way when I saw him? Was it natural?"

          "With that last stupid question, of course it's natural. Seeing a person unexpectedly is somewhat shocking, but in a positive way." Esriel mumbles again.

Their new classmates were looking at them as they entered the room. But afterwards, some of them smiled sweetly. And as they were able to have their seats, a lady professor came in. She was holding a bag and a book. 

          "Good morning class. I'm Mrs. Olivia Amara, and I'm your literature professor."

And yes, she was the one who supervised the scholarship examiners a month ago.

          "Nice to see all of you. I'm sure you'll love this subject" Mrs. Amara said.

But before they could start the class, Mrs. Amara asked them if they could tell something about themselves. In that case, all of them will have a little hint about the personality of each one.

Each student described himself/herself in front of the class. It was quite intimidating for some, but ended with a happy mood for everyone.

After their first class, Castor volunteered to buy their snacks.

          "Wait for me in the lobby, okay" he said.

While Esriel was writing something on her notebook. Someone came near her.

          "Yes you really are! Remember me?"

          "The guy who accidentally bumped you in the market."

          "My name is Eros."  "You're Esriel right?.......Esriel Sanchez. I still remember your beautiful name."

           "Ah yes, I'm Esriel. I remember you too.

But after a few minutes, Castor came along.

          "Hi bro, you looked familiar" Castor said

          "I'm Eros. The guy who once bought fruits and vegetables in Esriel's place."

          "Oh, what a coincidence. You also study here?" asks Castor.

          "Yes, I'm a sophomore Mass Com student" replies Eros.

A guy suddenly called Eros, so he had to leave us and walked away. Castor gave me the juice and the bread that he bought earlier.

          "Hope you'll like it" he said

          "Yes, thanks Castor" Esriel answers.

After taking a break, Esriel and Castor went to their next classes. Like the first one, they were told to tell something about themselves. As expected by them, new friends and new colleagues came along their way. Honestly, that added a brighter mood, at the same time, more positive vibes for the next classes to come.

It was already late afternoon when their classes ended.

          "Time to go home?"

          "Yes, we'll meet tomorrow again, i suppose" replies Castor

          "Yes indeed.....Bye Esriel..........Take care."

The voice that simply made Esriel's heart beats faster again.

          "Take care too...............Eros" she whispers.

*End Of Chapter 13*

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