Chapter 4: Meeting a new friend

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Years have passed, and Esriel both possessed beauty and brains which actually impressed a lot of guys in there community. She usually becomes the talk of the town among men whenever they saw her helping her mom, Esther, in selling fruits and vegetables in the market. With her angelic voice as well, her dad, Gabriel, asks her to sing for him every time he comes from work. It was a stress reliever for him after a tiring day.

          "You always makes me feel better" Gabriel says. "Ah, come on dad. You're the best dad, ever. And of course, you too, mom, is the best mom in the world" Esriel replies.

          "Thanks, our princess" says Esther.

One day while carrying lots of fruits as she went to the market, a guy approached her and volunteered to help her. His name was Castor.

          "It will be a pleasure for me to help you, miss" Castor says. Esriel didn't knew how to reply the guy, for he was a stranger for her. Until she says, "Thank you, but no need. I can manage to carry the bag of fruits" tells Esriel. "I insist, miss. Don't worry I'm a harmless person. Like you, I will also go to the market, for I'm helping my parents in selling fishes.

Esriel smiled, and gave the bag of fruits for him to carry.

          "I'm Esriel. My mom is selling fruits and vegetables in the market" she replies. "Oh yes, I see both of you everyday. And I have an idea that Esriel is your name. Some guys are whispering about it" says Castor as he smiles.

Both of them walked together in going to the market. Castor carried the bag of fruits until the area where Esriel and her mother were selling. When they were there, Esriel immediately introduced Castor to Esther, then she finally thanked him for being helpful. Her mother was also appreciative for what Castor did because it was actually the first time that a man shared his helping hands to them.

          "He seems to be a nice guy" says Esther. "I think so. He is also a good story teller, for he had lots of stories while we're going here" Esriel replies.

While they were busy with some of the customers that were buying, Castor approached Esriel. He gave her and Esther some of the cassava cakes that his mother made last night. Castor's mom was really very good in cooking. It was actually her part time job if not selling fishes in the market.

          "Hope you and your mom will like them" Castor says. "Of course we will. Thank you once again" replies Esriel.

As Castor went back in selling fishes, Esriel shared some of it to her mom. They both liked its sweetness. Her mom sliced a portion of the cassava cake for Gabriel, so he could also taste it when coming home in the evening. The whole day passed smoothly for the family. It was stressful for them, but their hearts were filled with happiness and contentment.

*End of Chapter 4*

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