Chapter 10: Pursuing a Dream

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The next day became extra fruitful for Esriel and Castor. Upon their parents permission, both of them went early in the school to ask for information about the scholarship grants.

          "I can't wait to be here!" exclaims Esriel while they were about to enter.

          "Me too. It's a dream come true for us" adds Castor.

All the people who were inside there offices seemed to be very busy. Until a middle-aged guy approached them. He was holding a floor mop and a pail with water.

          "Can I help you?" By the way, you may call me Santi. I'm the janitor of this school" the guy said.

          "Ahm, we are here to inquire about the scholarship. Who should we talk to?" replies Esriel.

          "It's better for you to visit first the guidance office. I can accompany you in going there" adds Santi.

          "Oh, thank you" says Castor.

As they were near the guidance office, Santi leaves them for he had to clean the chapel of the school. After being there for almost an hour, Esriel and Castor decided to look for the canteen where they could rest and take a snack for a while.

          "I'm very sure that our parents are excited to hear from us" tells Esriel

          "Right. We need to eat faster so we can share to them about the good news" answers Castor.

When they reached the market, Castor's parents were talking to Esther. Actually, they were all waiting for both of them, and very much eager to hear about what happened.

          "There you are! How was it?" asks Esther.

          "It's okay mom. The guidance councilor told us to return back on Saturday for the test" replies Esriel.

          "We will have it at exactly 8:00 in the morning. Punctuality is a must, so we must be early to avoid negative circumstances that may probably arise" says Castor.

          "You really have to sleep early the night before that day" Simon continues.

          "He's right. Prepare everything you'll need so you won't be cramming" tells Adora.

          "Don't worry, we'll keep in mind what you just said. To be sure, Castor and I must freshen our minds so that the test will somewhat be easier for us" Esriel adds.

Castor and Esriel went home few hours earlier than their parents so they could study some of their notes before. They chose to have their review at Esriel's house, for she had lots of books to refer from. Unknowingly, the best friends became closer to each other. More than friends, actually. Castor and Esriel were both only child of their parents. And you can see in their eyes that they were longing to have siblings.

Some of the people who sees them everyday in the market knew that they were lovers due to the closeness that they had for each other. But apparently, they were not. Both of them were too young then, and no possibilities of falling in love was on their minds.

Like other teenagers, all they wanted was to study well for their parents.

*End of Chapter 10*

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