Chapter 30: Thanks for the confirmation

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The last thought for the night remained in her mind until the next day. She became confused even it was just early morning. But even Esriel wasn't feeling good as the other days; she pretended to be calm in front of her parents so they won't ask any more for questions.

          "I have to go early in school because I have to do something."

          "Just tell Castor. Bye mom and dad" says Esriel.

Actually, it was the first time that they didn't go together since the school days started. But her parents didn't mind it seriously because each of them had also personal undertakings.

          "She said that you'll just meet her in school" tells Esther.

          "Okay" he replies.

While Esriel was in the library doing some research works, Santi came near her and whispered something.

          "Everything has a reason why they touched our lives. The confusion you have now will soon be given an answer."

As she was about to say her thanks, Santi went away with a smile on his face.

On the side note, Castor had a thought that Esriel might be feeling something different towards him. He was slightly worried, for it would be the first time if ever they could have misunderstanding. Castor loved her best friend so much. He would probably do everything to protect her.

But his love for her didn't stay as good friends. For the two years that they remained as partners for everything especially in helping their parents, his feelings became deeper. There's no doubt that Castor would fall in love with Esriel, the fact that they were always together in their everyday living.

Possessing that great love for her, Castor was slowly turning into a violent person. He was willing to do everything just to make sure that Esriel was only made for him. Even eliminating Eros was once crossed his mind.

          "Hey, why you left me?" asks Castor.

          "I said that I will have to do something here" replies Esriel.

          "You must have told me last night" Castor says.

          "Sorry, I forgot to tell you" tells Esriel.

Both of them entered to their first class. Esriel was silent no matter how Castor tried to share stories even jokes. For the whole day, she acted not the usual Esriel who was a happy young lady. So Castor decided to talk to her after their last class.

          "Hey Esriel, is something bothering you?"

          "You can tell me, I'm your best friend, remember?" says Castor.

          "Is there something you need to tell me, Castor?" asks Esriel.

          "What are you talking about? I don't get you."

          "Are you jealous with Eros?" Esriel whispers.

          "What? Why should I?" he replies.

Esriel immediately walked away. She could feel that there was something Castor was hiding from her. Esther was cooking for dinner when she came home.

          "Hi mom, is dad here?"

          "Not yet. He told me that he'll take an overtime for two hours" Esther replies.

          "Okay mom. Can I ask you something?"

          "When could you say that you have special feelings for someone?"

          "Actually, it's not that complicated before you'll know it. I was able to feel that easily with your dad. Because ever since we became friends, he did so many wonderful things on me. He always made me the happiest girl even I was in a difficult situation" she replies.

While having conversation with her mom, Castor came in.

          "Can I talk to you even just for few minutes?" he says.

          "Sure" she replies.

          "I could feel that you aren't convinced with me regarding my answer to your question."

          "I'm sorry because I lied to you. I honestly admit that I'm getting jealous with Eros, because I love you so much, Esriel" says Castor.

*End of Chapter 30*

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