Chapter 17: Esriel's new friend: Akira

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          "Good morning to our princess!" exclaims Gabriel.

While Esther approached Esriel and gave her a tight hug.

          "Breakfast is ready" says her mom.

As they finished their food, Gabriel took his bag and went for work. Just after Esriel helped her mom, she prepared all the things she'll need in school.

          "Hey, good morning" says Castor.

          "Good morning too" replies Esriel.

While Castor was waiting for Esriel,  Esther asked him if his parents left already.

          "Not yet, they will come here so you'll go together" replies Castor.

          "I'm ready, we can go now" Esriel says.

          "That's good. We go ahead, ma'am" tells Castor to Esther.

          "Bye mom. Take care" adds Esriel.

The school was  somewhat quiet the moment they arrived. Actually, only few students were walking and talking in the hallway for it was still very early. So they decided to go to the library to do some research. A girl in a red blouse was sitting in the corner. She was alone. Esriel tried to ignore her, but after seeing her again, she was crying so she approached her and gave her a hanky.

          "Hey, are you okay? asks Esriel as she gives the handkerchief.

          "Yes, thanks for this" she replies.

          "By the way, I'm Esriel."

          "Akira" she says .

From then on, they became close to each other. It seemed that Esriel found a new friend whom she could get along with aside from Castor. But all she knew was that,  Akira was a sophomore Mass Com student who came from other school.

Esriel wanted to ask her so many questions, but she was hesitant, for Akira might thought that she was investigating her.

          "I'm sure that you're still wondering why I cried in the library the other day. Well, I transferred here for a reason. But it seems that it's already the end for me" says Akira.

          "Don't say that. Be positive" tells Esriel.

After chatting for few minutes, they separated ways and went to their classes. Esriel was so happy to share with Castor that she had a new friend. A friend whom she could describe as someone who she felt comfortable with. Perhaps, a girl version of Castor.

          "Nice to hear that, Esriel" says Castor.

          "Yup, I will introduce you to her."

The whole day turned to be a busy day for them. They had to conduct several researches for their project. So every time they had free times, they were just in the library for sure. While looking for some books, Akira entered the library.

          "Hi Esriel. What's up?"

          "Oh, hello. I'm here with my friend doing a research."

          "Come, I'll introduce you to him."

          "Akira, he's my friend Castor. Castor, my new friend Akira."

          "Hello, nice meeting you, Castor" says Akira while shaking his hand.

          "Me too" he replies.

They continued with their research while Akira helped them as well. That thought of her made Esriel appreciated her more because she was such a wonderful friend. Even Castor was touched by seeing her helping them. Akira could be a good friend to both of them.

*End of Chapter 17*



Love conquers allOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora