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I'm saved from anymore awkwardness by the presence of Mae as she brings our food. She lays the plates before us and smiles kindly at both of us. "You enjoy your food now, you hear?"

Jack smiles and thanks her and I do the same. As I begin eating I try to think of anything to say that will get us away from where the conversation had been headed.

"I just love the City." I look out the window of the Diner towards the bustling people and traffic whirring by.

Jack smiles. "It certainly is full of life. Have you traveled much?"

I shrug, disappointed by my uninteresting answer. "No, not really. I grew up in a small town of southern California. I've been to Los Angeles once and New York City six times. My aunt lives just outside the city, you see. But besides that, I haven't gone anywhere. I'm sure you have, though."

Jack shrugs. "It came with the family name, I guess."

"Tell me where you've been." There's an underlying tone of envy in my voice.

Jack smiles, memories lighting up his eyes. "I've been to Sydney, Berlin, Paris, L.A., Mexico, Hawaii, Ontario - every continent except Antarctica. My father has been taking me places since I turned twelve. He wanted to immerse me in the life I was to live. The traveling was so exciting at first. He would let me be a tourist the first few times, but then, it got to be just business. I was to stay in the hotel or the office wherever we went."

"What about England, though? Surely you've lived there some?"

He shrugged. "After he began taking me on the trips I moved to New York since it's where Creal Headquarters is."

"Do you miss England?"

"All the time, but I can't go back there." He says, dropping his fork on the edge of his plate, clearly irritated.

"Why?" I ask, intrigued.

"My father hasn't been back to England since... since I turned twelve. Some things went on there and he refuses to go back there. Because of that, he forbade me of returning, as a matter of image. I haven't been back since - not because he forbade it... but because... I have some bad memories from there too."

I set my fork down, no longer hungry. I've clearly upset Jack and I feel terrible for doing so. "Jack, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

"No," Jack says abruptly, taking his napkin from his lap and setting it on the table next to his plate, "I told you that you're welcome to my secrets and you are, Macey."

"Can I ask one more question?"


"Why did you go to California and... leave everything behind?"

He smiles, albeit bitterly. "Because... I realized that being immersed wasn't what I wanted. I've never wanted this..."

"So why did you come back now?"

He laughs bitterly, his voice matching it. "Because my father told me it was that or disowning me. I guess, I was scared of losing my, shall we say, extravagant lifestyle. And, I will admit, I missed the City."

I smile, but sadness has seeped into me. "What would you do if you were back in California? Isn't it better that you're actually working for your life rather than just coasting on your father's success?"

Jack laughs. "I wasn't coasting on my father's success while I was in California."

"Isn't that why he's disappointed in you? You were squandering the fortune and muddying the name?" I ask, growing a little uneasy.

Better Off Away (BOOK 2)(Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now