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Every time I look at Sam I feel nothing but guilt, I feel horrible for seeing Justin behind his back. I want to tell him but I don't know how to, it'll just hurt him and it will hurt me even more.

I lay on my bed reading my favorite book, "To Kill A Mockingbird." Sam walks into the bedroom and lays down next to me, his eyes are focused on me and his fingers stroke my arms.

He takes a deep breath and kisses my neck, I softly push him off of me and continue to read my book.

"I want to touch you so bad right now." He whispers.

"What's stopping you?" I flip the page of my book.

"You are" He sighs. "I'm not stupid Leslie, you're hiding something from me and if you won't tell me I'll find out myself." He gets up from the bed and grabs the pillow.

"Where are you going?" I look up at him.

"To the couch" He pouts.

"Sam stop acting like a little b-." I roll my eyes and bite my tongue.

"Like a what Leslie?" Sam furrows his brows together.

"Like a bitch Sam, stop acting like a little bitch. If I don't want you to touch me then oh fucking well, as you can see I was clearly reading my book." I shut the book and slammed it on my end table.

I got out the bed, threw on a pair of Nike sweats and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sam blocks the bedroom door.

"You must be out your fucking mind tonight Sam, you don't pay the rent here. Don't question me in my house." I push him out the way and make my way to the kitchen.

"I do as I please" He growls.

"Why the fuck are you growling? Are you a dog? In fact, go to your house and growl all you want." I grab the spare key I made for Sam and put it in my pocket.

I open the front door and place my hand out. "Ladies first" I watch Sam walk out the door and I shut the door behind him.

The second that door closed my phone rings, I look down at the screen and of course it was Justin.

"Perfect timing." I said.

"Huh?" He chuckles.

"Nothing, what's up?" I sighed. I walk over to the couch in the living room and plop myself down.

"I'm kinda hungry, want to get a midnight snack with me?" He asks.

"Sure." I nod and pick myself up from the couch.

"Well get ready I'll be there faster than you think." He says.

"How fast?" I fix the messed up pillows on the sofa.

"I'm already outside, so just come down." He chuckles then hangs up the phone.

I reach for my house keys and walk out the front door. The elevator was already on my floor so there was no problem waiting for it, once I reached the lobby I'm greeted by the man at front desk again.

"Good night Ms. Velasquez."

With all the sneaking out I do it's become a tradition for the man at the front desk and I to greet each other late in the night.

"Good night." I smile at him and walk out the glass double doors leading to the parking garage.

Justin was sitting on his bright blue Lamborghini wearing all white and a black baseball cap.

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