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Justin and I came back to California a couple of days ago and ever since we came back I've been getting calls by an unkown number, everytime I pick up they say nothing. I don't want to tell Justin because I don't want him to be alarmed.

My phone rang at 3:17 AM it was the unknown caller, I answered but no one said anything.

"Hello?" I waited for an answer.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" No answer.

"Listen stop calling my phone you asshole" I spat over the phone.

"I'm coming for you" the voice said and hung up. My body was frozen and I felt numb, I am now terrified.

The voice doesn't sound familiar and I don't know who this could be. I got up to go get a drink of water and when I turned on the light it didn't turn on, I ran to the kitchen grabbed my car keys, slipped on my uggs and ran to my car. Outside was pitch black and it was raining, I drove as fast as I could to Justin's house.

I pulled up to Justin's house, I ran to his front door soaking wet. I rang the door bell but he didn't answer, I rang the bell and knocked on the door as fast as I can hoping he would answer the door. He opened the door and as soon as he saw me he pulled me inside.

"Leslie what happened to you?" he was so concerned.

"Justin I think someone is after me" I yell pacing around his house.

"Leslie calm down. What are you talking about?" he tries to calm me down but I am still pacing around.

"Ever since we came back someone has been calling me private, then about 20 minutes ago they called me and said they were coming for me. I went to get a drink but when I turned on the lights they wouldn't turn on so I came here." I began breathing heavily.

"Okay that is weird, just stay here tonight." he brings me to the bathroom and takes off my clothes, he fills the tub up with bubbles and he sits me in the tub.

"I'll leave clothes for you on the bed come out when you ready" he leaves the bathroom and I soak myself in the bubbles.

Justin POV

Leslie came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and she changed into my clothes. She told me about what's been happening since we got back to California.

She sat on my lap in the livingroom and I wrapped my arms around her comforting her.

"You're safe with me, ok?" I reassure her everything is alright.

"Promise you will always keep me safe Justin." She mumbles into my chest

"I promise princess." I kiss her on top of her forehead and I carry her bridal style upstairs to my bedroom, I placed her on the bed and I covered her.

I went back downstairs to finish working on my music when I heard Leslie's phone ring, it was the unknown number, I answered and all I could hear was heavy breathing.

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but you need to stop" anger rushed through my body.

"Watch it Bieber, I'm coming for your precious Assitant." The phone call ended. I went in the kitchen and filled the sink up with water and I dropped her phone in the sink. I called my body guards to spend the night at my house to make sure nothing happened, I stayed up all night in the room watching over Leslie.

9 AM Leslie woke up and when she saw me walking around the room,she got up to hug and kiss me.

"Leslie you're going to need a new phone" I mumble stroking her hair.

"Why?" she asks yawning.

"I threw it in water" I say harshly.

"Why the hell would you do that?" her tone raises.

"Because there is someone threatening you, they called while you were sleeping saying they are coming for you. You need a new number and you need to move out of that house."  I pull her down on the couch.

"We need to go to the cops." she says nervously. I nod my head and I dial 911.

"911 What is your emergency?" the operator asks.

"Hi my name is Justin Bieber, my girlfriend has been recieving threats over the phone and we would like to report it." I say over the phone.

"Okay Mr.Bieber an officer will be at your house shortly." the operator says. I hang up the phone and I take Leslie downstairs, as we get to the last step a rock flew threw the window shattering glass everywhere. A note was attached to it.

You better watch out Bieber, Leslie is mine now.

"Justin what was that?" she yelled I took the note and put it in my pocket so she wouldn't see it. I am going to find out who this person is.

"Someone threw something at the window but it's ok, wait for me in the kitchen" I kiss her cheek. I look for Hugo and Kenny.

"I need you guys to keep a close eye on this house someone has been threatening Leslie and I don't need her getting hurt. When the cops come let them in." I walk away from them and join Leslie in the kitchen.

"Listen when the cops come tell them everything, ok?" she nods and we wait for the police.

Once the police came Leslie and I told them everything but they said there was nothing they could do since the phone was destroyed. I escorted them to the door and I stopped them.

"Officers someone attached this on the brick that was thrown at the house" I hand them the note.

"Mr. Bieber why didn't you say anything before?" one of the officers reads the note.

"I didn't want to make Leslie even more scared" I explained and they nod.

"We will try to see if maybe there are some prints on it. Thank you for your time Mr. Bieber" I shake their hands and I close the door, I turn around to see Leslie standing there.

"What did you just give them Justin?" she questions.

Oh Shit!

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