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Leslie POV

Today is the day I escape, I've been planning what I am going to do Christian and I know exactly what I am going to do.

I am tied to the chair watching Christian coughing up blood, I would feel bad for him but with everything he's done to me I'd say he deserves every bit of it and everything that's coming to him.

"I need to use the bathroom" I say with no emotion watching him wipe his mouth.

He throws away the bloody napkin and washes his hands, he walks towards me and unties the ropes, I stand up rubbing my wrists and I walk to the bathroom and I lock the door behind me.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror looking at the bruises and cuts on my face, tears fall from my eyes when the thoughts of Justin run through my mind.

God I miss him, I want him to hold me in his embrace; I miss kissing on his tattoos as his arms wrap around my body.

I quickly wipe away my tears and wash my face, I pull my hair up to a ponytail and I take a deep breath.

The fork I took the other day is in my shirt being held by my bra strap. I have been sharpening it for the past couple of days, I take it out and put it in my pocket.

"This is it Leslie, you can do this. Do it for yourself...and Justin" I whisper to myself.

I unlock the bathroom door and I step out, Christians eyes follow me across the room as he sits in the corner but I ignore him.

"Go to the chair" he growls but I don't listen and I continue walking away.

"Get your ass in that chair" he spat.

I look at him dead in the eyes and I walk to the chair and throw it across the room "NO" I mumble. His face turns red and that's what I want, I want him to build up his anger to challenge me.

"Don't make me come after you" he whispers but loud enough I can hear him across the room.

"Do it you fucking bastard" I spat.

He rises slowly and walks in my direction, I am ready for him. He picks up the chair and places it in the center of the room staring at me

"Last time, sit in this damn chair" he mutters.

"Are you fucking stupid or what? I said no" I take a step towards his direction to test him.

He rushes towards me and I quickly pull out the sharp edged fork and I stab him in the stomach which doesn't do much damage, I run to the closet where he keeps his golf clubs, he gets up quickly and runs after me before he gets to grab me I take a full swing at his head, he drops on the floor and I drop the golf club.

I grab the rope and duct tape out of the closet. I drag an unconscious Christian across the room and I tie his hands with the rope hanging from one of the pipes hanging from the ceiling, his body is standing straight and I sit on the chair staring at him waiting for him to wake up. He wakes up 10 minutes later and he begins shouting.

"Let me go you bitch" he yells. I stare at him with a smirk on my face, I go back to the closet and I grab another golf club; I make my way to Christian while dragging the metal object across the floor making a screeching noise. I stand infront of Christian and I look up at the clock up above his head, the clock makes the dinging sound and I frown.

"168" I mumble getting his attention.

"What the fuck you talking about?" he spat.

"You've kept me hog tied in here like a goddamn animal for 168 fucking hours. You've beaten me, raped me, and sometimes starved me" I pause turning around reaching for the duct tape, I rip a piece off and I cover his mouth.

"Don't worry, nobody will hear you scream" I mock the sentence he told me the first day I came here. I laugh at the fear in his eyes.

"You've tortured me and now I am going to do the same to you" I pick up the golf club and I hit him repeatedly.

"You...Asshole...I...Hate..You" I yell while hitting him. His body flinched at every swing I took and I enjoyed every minute of it.

"17, I was 17. I spent 3 years thinking what you did to me was my fault because my family thought I deserved it, you're just as fucked up as they are. I hope you go to hell" I drop the golf club and I reach into his pockets grabbing his cellphone and the keys that he uses to lock me in.

I left the room and I locked him in there, I looked around my surroundings and I was in the basement of some sort but I could hear people laughing upstairs, I opened the door to where the laughter was coming from and I was in a bar.

People everywhere drinking and enjoying their lives not knowing what could've possibly been happening downstairs, I exit the bar and I use Christian's phone to call Justin.

"Hello...." The familar voice says.

"Justin?" Tears fall from my eyes and I break down.

"Leslie??? Oh my god baby where are you?? Are you hurt??" His voice is jumpy and I can hear him rushing to leave his house.

"Justin I am fine can you come get me, I am at some bar named Drinking Boy" I look up at the sign of the bar.

"I know exactly where it is give me 15 minutes" he says and hangs up the phone.

I sit on the bench in front of the bar enjoying the fresh air and letting the sun hit my face.

A black car pulls up and Justin comes out the car running to me, I stand up with open arms waiting for his embrace. His arms wrapped around me and I miss his scent and the warmth of his body.

"I miss you so much I've been doing my best trying to look for you" he whispers.

He looked worst than me, his eyes were red and had bags under them and he lost weight, his hair was messy and his voice was raspy. I pull away from him and use my sleeves to wipe the tears away from his eyes.

"I love much" he cries and I press my lips upon his. This is what I miss, the feel of his soft plump lips upon mine, it feels like we've been separated for millions of years. "What happened to your face Leslie" I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Don't worry it's ok" I reassured Justin.

"Where is he?" Justin looks around on the street.

"I took care of him Justin let's just go home...please" I went in the car and the ride back home was awkward and silent.

We both decided it would be best if I slept over Justin's house, once we got to his place Justin filled a tub up for me and made dinner for me. I sat at the dinner table watching Justin watch me eat

"Justin you should eat" I mumble.

"Another time right now I am concerned about you" he shakes his head.

"I won't eat until you do" I push my plate away.

"Fine, I'll eat" he takes a plate of food out for himself and we both finish eating.

Justin grabs my hand and brings me upstairs to the bedroom, he slowly takes off my shirt and my bra.

"Lay down on the bed" he whispers. I do as he says and I feel my body relax when I actually get to lay on a real bed.

I feel oil dropping on my back and I jump "Relax princess" Justin mumbles, his sticky hands rub up and down my bare back and I can't help but let out a small moan.

My eyes were getting heavy and I think Justin noticed, he grabbed one of his shirts and slipped it on me and laid me down on his chest, I breathe in his scent and before I knew it I fell asleep.

"Goodnight, I love you Leslie" were the last things I heard.

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