Meet Again

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Justin POV

  Touring is done and I'm still alone, Fredo told me he gave Leslie the letter but she just threw it away, he said she didn't even read it and that she's ready to move on. I still want her and love her but I know she probably doesn't even feel the same.

I picked up my phone to post a picture on Shots and the comments that my Beliebers are so dirty and funny. While refreshing my app, a picture of Leslie, a guy, and another girl appeared on my screen. "At the beach" she captiond it, I felt so jealous because there was a guy with her and I'm still home feeling lonely.

I grabbed my phone and called Fredo, Za, and Ryan.

"Yo Fredo you want to go to Miami?" I asked.

"Uhh I don't think that's a good idea Justin." He clears his throat

"And why is that?" I say with suspicion.

"Nevermind, I'll go" he says "listen I'm on set so I'll call you back"

"Alright" I hung up the phone and sent Fredo a text.

I'm going to leave tonight and the rest of you can come whenever you want.

I let my bodyguards know that we're going to Miami and that we're leaving tonight. Hopefully I can have time to relax there without any disturbance.

Leslie POV

"Oh my god Sabrina thank you for making me come to Miami. I love it." I screech with excitement.

"It's about time you freaking came down" she playfully slapped my arm.

"And your friend from the beach is cute" I giggle.

"Mhmmm" she laughs.

I was walking down the boardwalk with Sabrina looking at the beautiful guys passing by. I've been trying to get over Justin for a while and I think it's slightly working, but his name is still everywhere.

While Sabrina and I were looking at bikins on the boardwalk my phone kept buzzing, I was getting notifications from twitter.

@BieberMahone: OMG Leslie is in Miami and Justin just landed

@JelenaForever: Ugghh they're both in Miami but that's none of my business ☕

@ImetJustin: I hope they get back together.

By looking at all these tweets I'm assuming that Justin is also in Miami.

"Look at this bullshit" I spat showing Sabrina the phone.

"What the fuck? Why is he here?" She laughs.

"He likes coming to Miami, I forgot" I muttered.

"You know you're going to end up seeing him right?" She whispers.

"I don't want to" I say admiring a bikini.

"You don't always get what you want" she raises her brow.

"Shushh your mouth" I laugh. "You're right, its just I'm not ready to see him or speak to him. It'll be too much" I shake my head putting down the bikini. I quietly tried to walk away but some girl spotted me.

"OMG you're Leslie!!!" She yelled getting everyones attention.

"Yes I am but can you please keep quiet?" I say whispering to her.

"I'm sorry, can I please have a picture?" She smiles.

"Sure. What's your name?" I ask.

"Riley" she giggles.

"Riley, what an awesome name." I smile "well say cheese Riley" I held up her phone and we took a picture.

"Thank you so much" she jumps up and down before leaving.

Sabrina and I we're walking to the beach when I was distracted, I saw a figure all the way at the end of the beach and it reminded me of Justin, the figure was getting closer but Sabrina pulled me away.

"C'mon let's go" she laughs.

I looked back to see if the person was still there but he was gone, I could've sworn it was Justin. A part of me wants to see him but the other part is still heartbroken.

Sometimes I get the urge to just call him or message him but I know I shouldn't because there would be nothing to talk about.

As Sabrina and I got back to the car my thoughts were still on the figure on the beach and everything Sabrina said about me ending up seeing Justin, and she was right. Even if I try to doubt it, it will happen.

"Leslie did you hear me?" Sabrina snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? oh no sorry. What'd you say?" I ask shaking my head.

"I said do you still want to go to the movies tonight?" she laughs as her eyes are focused on the road.

"Oh yeah sure. What do you want to see?" I ask her looking at my phone.

"Annabelle" A smirk appearead on her face.

"Are you stupid?!? That's a scary movie" I gasp.

We argued the whole time about that and I just gave up. By the time we got home we had like an hour to get ready. I just wore denim shorts, black canvas sneakers, and my oversized plaid flannel. Sabrina wore her Nike's, leggings, and a muscle tee, we both basically looked like bums.

It was 7:45 and the movie started at 8. Sabrina told me to go get the seats and she would get the snacks soI left her and I went in the theater, when I got there it was so empty so I just took the seats all the way in the back.

The movie started 15 minutes ago and I was ready to shit bricks. I ran out of popcorn and I wanted to go get some more and some candy.

"I'm going to get some more popcorn" I whispered to Sabrina who was so fascinated by the movie.

"Shhhhhh" she spat. "And get me some gummy bears" she chuckled.

I got up and walked out the theater, when standing on the snack line I heard such a familiar voice behind me. The familiar voice then laughed and that's when I began to shake, it was Justin. I know his laugh and I could tell he was with his friends, I was so scared to even move.

This was even more worse than watching that scary ass movie.

"Hi how may I help you?" The cashier asks.

"One medium popcorn, two gummy bears, and a small soda" I whisper trying to make sure Justin doesn't hear me.

"Ok that will be $7.43" The cashier says and I just hand him the money.

"Is it possible you can hurry I don't want to miss the movie" I lied

"Sure thing" he smiles before turning around. The whole time I could hear Justin laughing and I just kept my head down or turned to the side.

"Here you go" the cashier says and I just take the stuff.

While walking away I hear someone try to stop me.

It's Justin holy shit.

I try to pick up the pace but I was shaking so much it wasn't possible.

"Excuse me miss you forgot your change on the counter" he says walking after me.

"It's ok keep it" I say.

"Excuse me" he stops me. My back is facing him and his hand is on my shoulder "Here is your change" he says.

Now I had no choice but to turn around and when I did he looked like he had seen a ghost. His mouth was opened and he had tears in his eyes, mine stayed focused on the ground trying to avoid eye contact.

"Leslie?" he whispered as his voice cracked.

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