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Leslie POV

Justin has been really nice lately maybe a little too nice, he keeps trying to kiss me or he always wants to tickle me. I remember when we were back in California and he was such an ass but ever since we came to Canada he's been so nice and gentle, he probably was just home sick.

I can't complain I really like this Justin I just hope he won't go back to the way he was when we go back to L.A.

Nobody was home so I took this time to go swimming and tanning. I put on my black bikini and my shades and made my way to the pool, I laid on one of those inflatable pool lounge chair things and soaked up the sun.

The next thing I knew water splashed all over me, I gasped "WHAT THE HELL?!?" I yelled while taking off my shades, I look up to see Justin with Fredo and his friend Ryan. Chaz was the one that jumped in the pool and splashed me, the boys were laughing and I was pissed

"How in the hell is that funny?" I say upset.

"You should've seen your face" Fredo laughs.

I stick my tongue out at him and get out the pool, I feel a pair of eyes burning on my butt and I turn around to see Justin staring at me. I dry myself and walk into the house to go shower.

I go into my bathroom, I strip down and step in the shower. I let the cold water hit my skin and I just moan, I hear the shower doors open, I turn around to see Justin in the shower.

Justin POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about Leslie since we got here, I noticed after she got out the pool she went into the house I waited about 10 minutes before I followed her in.

"Hey guys I'll be right back" I say to Fredo, Chaz, and Ryan. They all wink and coo at me and I chuckle, I go up the stairs to Leslie's room and I heard her shower running. I went into the bathroom took off all my clothes and joined her in the shower.

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" she stutters while trying to cover her body but all I could was stare. I pushed her against the shower walls and stared at her, admiring her green eyes and how her hair flows when it's wet.

I bring my body closer to hers and look down at her because she is so short I place my forehead on hers and she looks down, she notices that Jerry is down there so she looks back up with a shocked look on her face. I caress her cheek and run my fingers through her hair.

"It's my turn to be the tease" I brush against her lips and she just turns her head to the side, I roughly place kisses all over neck and I hear her moan and I smirk against her neck.

I started kissing her soft sweet pink lips while gripping onto her waist, she starts moaning and then she begins biting my lip, I pull away from her to see her breathing heavily.

"Have a nice shower" I whisper in her ear before stepping out the shower.

Leslie POV

It's 11PM and I am still thinking about what happened in the shower between Justin and I, I get up from my bed and walk to my mirror to fix my hair while I'm putting my hair in a messy bun I noticed a hickey on my neck.

"Oh shit" I muttered while touching it.

I put my hair back down and I went to the kitchen for a snack. I walk in and all the boys are sitting at the table, I felt all their eyes on me

"Maybe you should take a picture" I say in a sarcastic tone and Fredo pulls out his phone, everyone stares at him

"What? she said we should" he says trying to explain himself.

"Idiot" Ryan coughs out causing us to all laugh.

"Whatever you're just mad because I'm her favorite."  Fredo pouts.

I open the freezer looking for a snack, my eyes landed on the popsicles so I grabbed and opened it. I made my way to the table joining them.

"So what's up guys?" I ask all innocent, Justin's eyes land right on me as I speak.

I put the popsicle in my mouth and began licking it, Justin bit his lip and his eyes turned dark. I left the kitchen and told the boys I was going to watch a movie in a livingroom.

"Oooo lets watch The Purge" Fredo suggests.

"Dude are you serious?" Chaz groans.

We begin watching the movie and Justin is sitting next to me on the couch with a blanket over us.

Justin starts nibbling on my ear and whispers "You know you're such a tease?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked as if I was dumb.

"I saw what you were doing in the kitchen and it was soo hot" he whispers sending shivers down my spine.

"Soon" he whispers in my ear before leaving the livingroom.

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