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Justin POV

I decided that Leslie and I should hang out becuase she's been working hard and I think she does deserve it, I hop in the shower and throw on a plain white shirt, a snapback, a pair of skinny jeans, white sneakers, and two gold chains.

I get in my ferrari and drive to Leslie's loft, all these damn paparazzi are so annoying I swear; I get to the building and I park in the parking lot for the residents, I take the elevator up to the 14th floor and I ring her door bell. No answer.....I ring again.....still no answer. I knock on the door hoping she is home.

"CALM YOUR TITS I'M COMING!!" I hear her yell from the inside of her place and I couldn't help but chuckle at what she said.

She opens the door and rubs her eyes.

"Justin? What are you doing here?" she questions while opening the door even more to let me in, I step inside and follow her to her bedroom and she lays back in her bed and covers her head with the covers.

"I thought you deserved a break so we're going out" I say as I throw myself onto her bed bouncing up and down.

"At 9AM?!?" she mumbles with the big plush white pillows over her face.

"Yes because we have a long day ahead of us, so let's get moving Velasquez" I pull the sheets off her and I hit her with a pillow

"Fine, it's not like I was tired anyway" she grumbles when she walks to her closet looking for an outfit to wear.

She goes in the bathroom to shower and she comes out about 15 minutes later with her bra and panties on, I couldn't help but stare I felt my jeans get tight; I was trying so hard to control myself but it was hard (no pun intended)

I admired her beautiful shape, her toned body, her hidden tattoos, and her perfect skin.

"Uhh you don't feel uncomfortable?" I clear my throat trying my best not to look at her.

"Why would I be uncomfortable?" She asks while drying her wet hair and putting in hair spray.

"Well because you are in front of me with nothing on but just your bra and underwear" I state and she rolls her eyes

"Oh please, it's the same thing as me wearing a bikini. I'm pretty sure you've seen women in a bikini and plus I am always at the beach wearing one. Nothing different" she slips on her high waisted acid shorts, white crop top, and white air force 1s. She applies light makeup and her hair has these beautiful waves.

"Alright I'm ready" she states while grabbing her purse I grab her hand "You don't need that" I smirk.

"Hey we match" she says happily as we enter the elevator to go to the parking lot, she pulls off my hat and once the doors open she runs out making me chase her around the parking lot, she finally gave me my hat back and we got in the car.


"So Bieber, you've kidnapped and deprived me from my bed and you won't tell me where we're going?" I chuckle looking out the window

"Nope" he pops the P and turns on the radio and the song LaLaLa by Naughtyboy Ft. Sam Smith comes on.

"If our love is running out of time I won't count the hours, rather be a coward when our worlds collide I'm gonna drown you out before I lose my mind" I sing as loud as I can while looking at Justin and he just laughs.

"Well Ms. Velasquez as much as I love listening to the screeching of your voice when you sing, we have reached our destination" I slap his arm feeling a little offended but I knew he was right about my singing.

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