Back To Basics

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Sam and I haven't heard from each other in months, honestly I don't mind it because I don't want to deal with looking at his sad face or hearing that "you broke my heart" bullshit. Justin and I haven't gotten closer but we're not really in a relationship, it's hard to explain. We both still have those feelings for each other but it's just hard to express it sometimes.

Justin is on his Purpose tour, and I'm here in Los Angeles. Justin offered to take me with him but I declined because I have a business to run and I can't do it if I'm in another country.

"Hey Kim, check inventory for me please. Make sure we have enough strappy heels in the back." I smile while fixing the clothing racks.

"Sure Leslie." Kim walks past the cash register to the storage room in the back.

While fixing the clothes I feel my phone in my pocket vibrating, I reached for my phone and when I looked down it was Justin.

"It's about time." I answer the phone.

"I'm sorry baby girl, the time zones are just different." His sleepy voice was incredibly sexy.

"I'm just messing with you Justin. You sound exhausted." I pout a little.

"Yeah I am and I'm a little bit down because I wanted to cancel all the meet & greets and so many beliebers are upset."

I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

"So what? Your health and happiness comes first, I'm sure if they meet you and you're not happy and look exhausted they won't like the results in the picture." I hung the last shirt on the rack.

"I don't know I just feel bad." Justin says

"Yeah it sucks Justin but you have to remember the Believe tour. You were fainting, throwing up, losing weight, exhausted, and depressed." I walk around with my phone in my hand.

"You're right Leslie, I don't want to go back to that place."

"So don't Justin." I walk to my office so know one could really listen to my conversation.

Ever since Justin left for tour I've been missing him so much, I miss him picking me up at 4 in the morning just so we could watch the sun come up. His tour finishes in 2 more weeks so I'm super excited.

"Two more weeks and I get to come home." You could practically hear his sigh of relief.

"I can't wait to see you, facetime isn't cutting it for me anymore. Especially since you cut off all your hair." I laughed.

"Hey hey hey, it was time for a new look." He laughed back.

"You look like the younger you again."

"Was sexy as hell back then and even more sexier now." The sound of his vocie tried to almost be seductive.

"Yeah please stop. Listen, why don't you get ready for your day and text me, I have some work to finish anyway."

"Alright princess, I'll talk to you later."

After the call was ended I left the office and went back to the front of the store helping organize all the merchandise and greeting customers.

While a few hours passed by I began to hear distinct chatter, people we're pulling out their cellphones and I was so confused. I turned around to face the entrance and it was Kendall Jenner standing at the door. I only met her once at Justin's party and she was incredibly sweet.

"Hi Leslie, how are you?" Kendall comes up to me and gives me a hug.

"Hey sweetie, I'm good and you?" I smile at her.

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