"Justin I'm not the same"

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Justin POV

Since Leslie came back she hasn't been the same. Everytime I touch her she flinches, she barely talks to anyone, if she does she only gives one word answers.

She just stays in the office taking care of stuff for me. When I asked her if she wanted to talk to a therapist she said it would be better to go her normal, after that dude was arrested Leslie tries to act  like nothing happened and she won't tell me what he did to her.

I went upstairs to the office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a distant voice said,

I open the door to see a beautiful woman sitting on the couch writing some things down in her binder. A smile grew upon my face just by looking at her, she hadn't noticed me yet so I just sat down next to her.

"Hi" I say gently while watching her write neatly on the paper.

"Hey" she lightly smiles still writing not even looking at me.

"Babe can I ask you a question?" I clear my throat trying to get rid of the cracking in my voice.

"Sure" she doesn't look up at me.

Silence fills the room for a couple of minutes and I break the silence by speaking.

"Please Leslie I need to know" my voice is cracking again.

She drops her pen and finally looks at me and she can see the hurt in my eyes.

"No Justin you don't need to know you just want to know and there is a difference" she sighs while placing her hand on the side of my face caressing my cheek.

"Just tell me something...please" I kept begging until she told me.

"Justin all you need to know is that I'm not the same, I haven't been since I was 17. I felt like my life was upside down, everyone in my family judged me because of what happened. I left them and came here trying to forget everything and start a new life but the same shit happens here" the tears began pouring out of her eyes and when I tried to hold her she refused.

"Leslie I won't hurt you I promise" I whispered while grabbing her hand and slowly pulling her into my chest. "I love you Leslie, I hope you know that" I sighed kissing the top of her head.

She gripped on my shirt tightly as she cried, my hand stroking her back trying to soothe her down.

The sound of her shedding tears breaks my heart, she's broken and has nobody. I am the only one that is here for her.

"Hey guess what?" I lift her head up wiping her tears.

"What?" she mumbles.

"I love you" I place a kiss on her forehead and she smiles.

She hasn't smiled since she came back and I feel so much better knowing I am the one that can make her smile when she feels horrible.

"I love you more. Thank you for everything" she places a kiss on my nose then on both my cheeks and then she places a kiss on my lips. It was a makeout session but it stopped once her phone began ringing.

Leslie POV

I feel horrible for making Justin feel this way, he is heart broken because I won't speak to anyone. I am a hermit, I don't go out or talk to anyone I just stay up in the office working, after all I am still his assistant.

I am still too thin and don't have that much appatite, there are still some bruises on my body but I usually cover it with makeup.

Justin came upstairs to talk and I finally decided to talk to him, he told me he loved me and said he would never hurt me, I am trying my best to believe him but with everything that has happened to me I have trust issues.

Justin and I were making out and it felt amazing, I felt the same way he kissed me the first time. I wouldn't let Justin touch since I came back because I would always get jumpy when he did.

The ringing of my cellphone interupt us and Justin was upset "Seriously?!?" we both mumbled at the same time causing us to laugh.

I got up to pick up the phone and my faced turned into a frown once I heard the voice, Justin looked at me with confusion but then I think he knew who was calling me.

"How did you get my number?" I spat over the phone.

"Don't worry about it, I just need your help. Nicole was arrested and her bail charge is $5000" the voice on the other line was my brother

"I pray to God you are joking, you must be. You came to my house tried to beat me and my boyfriend, then you said I deserved what happened to me" I laughed.

"Listen I'm sorry, can you just please help us" he begs.

"There it is. All of you are alike, you all disrespect me and treat me like crap but when you need something "you're sorry" and why do you think I have $5000?" he stayed silence for a minute but replies back.

"Because you're dating that singer, isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Yes he is my boyfriend but I recall you calling him a bitch and sorry he won't be giving you money because I won't ask him. As a matter of fact he is listening right now" I smirk

"What the hell Leslie then speak in Spanish" he spat and Justin tried to hold in his laugh.

"No are you stupid?!?" I laugh and he growled.

"Listen you have to help us." he sighs.

"Who the hell is us? those wicked people you call family? There is only one person there that is family and that's grandma. I'm not helping you" I spat.

"Please Nicole is under water" he whispers while I hear my mother yelling in the background.

"Tell that bitch I said to drown" I hung up the phone before he said another word.

I looked at Justin and you could tell by his expression that he was shocked.

"I'm going for a walk" I mumbled before storming out the room, Justin got up and ran after me.

"Leslie where are you going?" he was nervous.

"Justin I'll be back I just need to clear my head" with those last words I left through the front door.

HAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! when was the last time I updated this story?!? seems like years haha anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to follow, comment, vote :*

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