I Couldn't Care Less

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Justin POV

I opened the door and Za, Khalil, Ryan, Chaz, and Fredo were at the door and they had nervous looks on their face.

"Dude we are so sorry, we tried to stop her" Za and Fredo say at the same time.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I let them in and we all sit on the couch.

"Selena is on her way up, she found out you're in Miami. We tried stopping her but she wouldn't give in" Khalil explains.

I hear Leslie run into the room and I go after her, I see her changing into different clothes.

"Leslie what are you doing?" I stand behind her fixing her hair

"Making myself look presentable" she kisses me and leaves the room.

Leslie POV

"Hey guys" I enter the livingroom greeting everyone, I saw Selena sitting on the couch. Fredo and Za get up to hug me and I laugh at the fact that Za was screaming like a girl.

"Ahh omg is this the famous Leslie? Is this happening? I must be dreaming" Za was fangirling and it was hilarious.  

"Hi I'm Leslie" I flash Selena a smile but she says nothing and just rolls her eyes.

There was some sort of tension in the room.

"Well okay, so where is Justin" Ryan asks trying to end the awkwardnes.

Justin comes into the livingroom and he hugs everyone but when he sees Selena he gives her a weak smile. I tried to hold back my laughter.

"So Justin how you been, I miss you" she rubs her hand up and down his arm.

Is this bitch really serious right now? Am I honestly witnessing this?

"Uhh Selena I've been fine but there is no need to touch me" he moves away and sits next to Khalil

"So...Leslie is it? I like your extensions where did you buy them?" she gives me an evil smirk.

Everyone turns their heads at me because they know when I get angry it is not pretty. I clear my throat and take a deep breath out.

"Oh I'm sorry my hair isn't fake, but do you want to hear a fun fact?" I lean forward staring at her

"Oh please do tell me" she chuckles leaning forward as well.

"We live in a world with a population of 7.46 billion people in this world. You are one out of 38.04 million people in California and if you think your pathetic, arrogant comments are going to get to me try again." Everyone has their jaws dropped.

"Whatev-" I pause her.

"I'm not done so don't you dare try to ever interupt again. I don't know if your just that petty but I know this is not the reaction you were expecting from me but I don't blame you for being this ignorant, you're somewhat rich and people tell you everyday on social media that you're beautiful, so it goes to your head. There are billions of people in this world and you are just 1 understand there are better things people care about than what you post on Instagram like who did your makeup, what type of nails you got, or what type of fucking dressing you want to toss on your Caesar Salad. Just some food for thought, now if you would excuse me I am going to leave before I lose my temper and do something I will regret."

"DAMNNNNNNNNNNNN!!" all the boys yell. I get up from the couch about to make my way to the patio when I hear her mumble something.

"Sorry I didn't catch that" I turn around walking back to Selena.

"I said who the hell are you to talk to me like that?" she spat.

"I'm Leslie Velasquez, I'm the one who's in Miami with Justin, the one who is in his arms every night, I'm the one who's making him feel good. While you're the one who's what? Trying to actually make a good album. If you know what's good for you back the fuck off and stop with those weak ass smart remarks" I wink at her, flash a smile, and I leave the room.

Justin POV

Once Leslie left the boys laughed right in Selena's face and you could tell she was mad.

"You totally deserved that" Za tries to say with a serious face.

"Excuse me?" she yells.

"We told you that you were in for a rude awakening, but you didn't want to listen so you put that on yourself and now you're mad" Ryan laughs.

"Selena I need you to leave my hotel room right about now" I kick her out and slam the door.

Honestly I couldn't care less about how she felt right now because I told her I was done with her. Leslie came back out and we spent the whole day playing video games with the guys and we went out to McDonald's.

That night Leslie and I were on the floor and she was laying on top of me. "Hey babe" I sit her up looking at her.

"Yeah" she starts playing with my hair, I love when she does that.

"Tomorrow I want to take you to the Jewelry Store so you can pick out a diamond necklace" I kiss her neck.

"Justin no, understand I am not one of those girls that want material things. All I want is just you" she kisses me.

"I love you" I whisper kissing her.

She was quiet and she was just staring around.

"I understand if you don't feel the sa-" She cut me off.

"I love you too" her eyes begin to water and she hugs me tight in her grip.

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