Hidden Secret

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Justin POV

  I wake up in Leslie's bed with her next to me, nothing happened last night except a ton of drama; pushing, yelling, throwing, and smacking.

Jesus it was crazy, I feel bad for her and I had no idea what they were talking about but he clearly said something that pissed the hell out of Leslie, maybe that's who she was talking to the night we had dinner. I look down and smile at the thought of having Leslie sleeping on my chest, her hands placed wrapped around me, our legs intertwine, and my hands placed on her hips.

"Good morning" I whisper as I stroke her gently. She stretches and gives me a weak smile, I am really not sure if we should talk about what happened last night.

"Hey are you okay?" I sit up on the bed and I place her inbetween my legs so her back is on my chest and my hands are wrapped around her waist with a firm grip. She stays quiet and nods her head slowly, she began balling her fists again and I knew I got her mad.

"Hey hey hey calm down" I grab her hand and unball her fists trying to kiss her hand before she yanks her hand away, she manages to leave my grip and gets off the bed.

"I'll be back"  her voice was really raspy due to all the yelling last night and she was not in the mood to talk right. She left the bedroom and I heard glass shattering and cabinets slamming, I ran downstairs to see her getting a trash bag.

"Sorry I just came for a drink" she picks up the broken glass while sniffling. I bent down to her level and wiped away her tears, I leaned in for a kiss but she turned her head and got back up.

What the hell is going on? Leslie reaches for her cigarettes and I sigh at the fact that she does this, but before she could light it her sister walks in through the door.

"Hey hey Les I'm home" she walks in wearing a mini black dress that stopped right at her upper thighs and she had on red heels, I won't lie she did look attractive. Leslie stays quiet and doesn't reply to Nicole.

"Hey your sister's here" I say as I stand behind her, she faces the sink and looks out the window and says not a word.

"Haha whatever she must be getting her monthly visitor, she always so bitchy" Nicole laughs and goes upstairs to go take a shower. I turn Leslie around and place one hand holding her head up and the other holding her hand, I stare into her eyes and I can see the tears that wanna pour out.

"Cry" I whisper to her as I look down at her bruised hand.

"What?" she stutters confusingly and looks away.

I turn her head back "I said cry, it's ok to cry. Nobody is here except me and I will hold you tight in my arms, as if we are the only people left in this world."

I cupped her cheek and I felt something wet hit my hand, I wipe away her tears and I pull her into my chest and I tightly wrap my arms around her as if my life depended on it. I hear footsteps it must be Nicole.

"Ughh she's crying now, she's so damn emotional" Nicole laughs while entering the kitchen wearing yoga pants, uggs, and a big shirt.

"I think you should shut up right about now" I spat at her but I had no intention of doing it, she looks at me and walks towards me so I let go of Leslie so she doesn't get hurt. She lets go of my hand and makes her way upstairs, I turn around and Nicole is in my face.

"Who do you think you're talking to in my house?" she spat and I clenched my jaw trying not to explode.

I let out a breath and look back at her "First of all this is NOT your house it's Leslie's so get that right, second I'm talking to the girl who gets wasted every night and comes back home at 10 in the morning should we talk about that? or talk about how you don't give a fuck about your sister's feelings" I shake my head and I look at the shocked expression in her face, I walk away and go sit on the couch in the livingroom.

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