Chapter 6

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"What?" Komatsu said

" what the hell happened here?" Aiko said she,Komatsu ,Toriko and Coco exited the cave only to see the bodies of numerous people sprawled everywhere.

"Tina-san, are you all right?" Komatsu asked as he saw Tina with Kruppoh sitting on her shoulder.

" are you hurt?" Aiko's ask

"I-I'm okay" Tina said as she looked at the bodies.

"The bandits and assassins that had their eyes on the Puffer Whale" Coco said

"Yep. I bet they tried to take the Puffer Whales from that thing and were attacked." Toriko commented

"What a terrible thing" Coco muttered

" yeah they didn't stand a chance" Aiko mumbled


" kiss" Komatsu said

" kiss! " Aiko said looking at the giant bird

"You came to get me?" Coco ask

Everybody looked up to see Kiss landing in front of them.

"Eh? An Emperor Crow? This is" Tina said. Kruppoh flapped its wings as it greeted Kiss who returned its greeting as Aiko petted the giant bird as he cuddled her back.

"Ah the rescue choppers are here" Tina said as the group saw some choppers coming towards them

"Well, I hope you'll excuse me. I'm not good with crowds, you see." Coco said as he hopped onto Kiss's back,"Aiko -chan, Komatsu-kun thank you" he said getting they're attention, "I'm very glad to have met you both"

"M-Me too! I've learned a lot. Thank you so much!" He thanked him and smiled brightly

" me too I hope we'll see each other again real soon! Bye Coco! Bye kiss! " Aiko said as she smiled causing Coco to blush a little.

"See ya, Toriko... I've got a feeling we'll meet again soon." Coco said as he left

"Yeah. we'll see." Toriko replied

Once the choppers came Toriko,Komatsu and Aiko quickly got on. Toriko quickly made a burger with all of the Devil Snake meat that he had. The thing was the burger was too big for a normal person to even take a bite out . But for Toriko isn't a normal person he somehow ate the burger in one bite by unhinging his jaw which freaked Komatsu and Aiko out. ' he never stops eating? We just had puffer fish now he's eating burgers oh Toriko ' Aiko though as she looked at Toriko.

"YUMM" Toriko exclaimed

"Speaking of which, how was the Puffer Whale?" Johannes asked as he was the one that picked the three of them up.

"It had an impact, but that's really about it." Toriko explained, "Within the vastness of the sea, there are still lots of ingredients that I've never eaten. I can't choose my Fish Course too hastily"

"I see. But the creature that IGO is requesting that you capture this time is-" Johannes said

"The Regal Mammoth" Toriko finished, "or more specifically the Jewel Meat. I've got high hopes for that"

" the jewel meat? Awesome I'm in!" Aiko said

"Sure is exciting, isn't it, Toriko-san Ai-chan?" Komatsu asked

"You do know, right, Komatsu, Aiko ? That the Regal Mammoth is in the 1st Biotope"

"Yes. It's very prosperous as a site for gourmet research, and it's even a famous sighseeing destination" Komatsu answered

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