Twenty Five _ My Favorite Mistake

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I kept my ears strained but the distance she was from me and the way she was whispering left me helpless. But a fool could guess who she was calling. And the look on her face when she hung up confirmed this fool's guess on who it was she’d called.

It made me kinda guilty to see her leave. Actually, not kinda: just plain guilty. But at least, she didn’t sneak out on me and I was here seeing her off.

“Wanna get something to drink?” I asked as I came to stand by where she was sitting. “There should still be time before the boarding call.” The very announcement blared out just as I said that,

Standing up, she hugged me and gave me a smile when we pulled away. “Stay alive, eh?”

“Don’t go, Mags.”I mumbled, pulling her into me again.

“What, you couldn’t think of anything worse to say to me before I go?” She chuckled softly and broke away after a while to pull me along with her to sit down, my hand in hers.

“You don’t have to.” I attempted for the fiftieth time.

“I don’t want to, Loh. But I have to. For your sake. For Nicole’s sake.” She said before letting out a small sigh. “But actually, for mine.”

“I’d talk to Ian and … and …,”

“See, I’m already a burden to you.” Her knowing smile didn’t touch her eyes. “The way I see this, either you or her would end up getting hurt, along with Ian.”

“But I don… ”

“But you’re way smarter than me. So it’s totally up to you to save the day.” If that was supposed to cheer me up, she did a terrible, terrible job. The last warning called. And giving my hand a squeeze, she stood up and smiled. “I’ll give mom your best, even if you don’t.”

I forced a smile for my best friend and watched on as she walked away.

Why does life have to be so difficult?

On the bright side, in that I’d found my girl again, this life I have is no longer meaningless. And if I could get out of this ‘alive’, which Mags is so confident I would, get Rina and get away from this torture town. Well. that would be something, right?

But how do I get out of this without hurting anyone?

“If you’re trying to be a tease, then I gotta say, you’re doing a marvelous job.” A strong voice said. I thought I’d heard it before. But no need to look up ‘cause he squatted down in front of my longue on the edge of the pool.

“Yeah, uhh,..Tre…” it was a shame I didn’t remember the name when I felt kinda glad I found a familiar face.

Chuckling, he helped out, “Zac.”

“Zac, right.” Why does he always have the worst of timings? He seems sweet enough to talk to, unlike those guys showing off how well they could swim (I mean, seriously?) and flexing their tissues which would only a girl covering herself up more.

“Bad time again, isn’t it?” He smiled, knowingly.

Giving him an apologetic look, I nodded. He stood up, ready to leave me to myself. Just then out of some inexplicable spontaneity, I sat up, rather clumsily and thus stopping him. “Can I ask you something?”

With a hint of surprise held in his eyes, he said, “Sure.”

“Say your best friend and your girlfriend were hanging off a cliff,” I said girl because he just looked to me like straight. “And you have enough time just for one, who’d you save?”

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