almost there but not quite yet.....

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Cass P.o.v

Hearing the guests arrive I slipped on my black flats, Bane's birthday party was about to commence and i still didn't know what i was going to sing, i only hoped that when i had to i would actually come up with something. Walking out to the expansive back patio a soft summer breeze assulted me, along with the smoke from the barbeque pit that Adam was cooking from. Gazing around i instantly spotted Bane, and true to form Racheal had attached her self to his side, clearly making her statement that he was taken even though they were only with Jessi, Miranda, Colton, and James.

Making my way over to them her gaze  settled onto me and her smile turned into a scowl "hey guys" recieving a collective hello from everyone i tried to strike a conversation with Bane which instantly getting cut off by Racheal. "Oh i'm sorry Cassandra, were you saying something?" alright bitch wanna play, lets go "its cassie and how could i say something to Bane when your ass is stuck to his side like velcro" grinning I pretended to act sweet. "Well he is my mate after all" changing her demeanor to lovestruck and infatuation she gazed at him, choking on my virgin strawberry daquiri i coughed "make sure you use a condom" an left them to do - well whatever you call it when a hoe is sucking your best friends face better than a vacum cleaner; shudder yuck! 

An hour later I grabbed my guitar, tapping the mic everybody silenced, turning their attention towards me. Alright no pressure- gulp, yeah right "As you all know Bane requested me to sing so i guess i am" getting a few laughs i continued "I'm going to sing In My Arms  by Plumb". Strumming the first few notes i began "your baby blues, so full of wonder, your curly cues, your contagious smile..." Closing my eyes i let the song wash through me, but when it came to the ending i locked eyes with Bane "but you are never alone, because i will always, always love you..."  Standing up appluase broke out along with whistles bowing i blushed.

"It was beautiful!" squeezing me Auntie  smothered me in a hug "can't breathe" i gasped laughing Bane approached us "don't suffocate her Auntie". Beaming at us she winked at me, what the -? she can't possible know that i - of course she does, probally all her "second intution and not". Walking out to the feild he broke the silence first "um thanks for singing you did great"  shrugging i looked away so he wouldn't notice the faint blush creeping on my cheeks, jesus i need to stop this.

"Thanks it wa- oh i almost forgot your present!" reaching in my pocket that was sown into my dress i handed them to him "their dog tags for us, their kinda like bestfriend necklaces" picking up mine i put it on "but their made from silver an spelled by a witch" slipping his on he gazed at it "what spell is it?" "just a location spell, so that no matter where we are we can alway find each other, for emergencys or whatever, if you don't like it i can-" covering my mouth with his hand he grinned "I love it".

Licking his hand i smiled "ew god cass really?!" tickling me, we played around for a bit, stopping i realized his lips were only a few inches away from mine with his gaze locked on me, drawing in closer, my lips barley brushed against his "Bane! there you are god i've been looking all over for you , their about to cut the cake without you!" pulling away quickly i pretended to be fascinated in my necklace "right well lets get going then don't want to miss the cake, Cass was just giving me my gift" "right, well lets go". Rejoining the group, i slipped away as they were singing happy birthday, gazing out my bedroom window i saw Bane blow out the candles and Racheal give him a kiss . Turning away i layed in my bed staring at the ceiling aimlessly.

i almost kissed my best friend.. almost...

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