being good isn't good enough

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Walking back into school couldn't be more of a nightmare than it was now, if not worse. Only good thing was I would start building the strength back in my injured leg this afternoon, yay. Walking or limping rather through my classes I got whispers and glares, greatttttt! I'm now their number one target. Sitting at a lunch table by myslef I look for Bane, he said he would sit with me today, hmph guess he lost the directions cause he was no where in sight. Just then a girl decided to come over to my table "Cassandra right?" looking around I look for an escape, dame it! "Yeah thats me what of it?"

It seemed as if she was taken back by my tone almost- her tight lips formed a smile "well i just wanted to say thanks for giving me a chance with Leo" that was when I burst out laughing "what? hahahahah your welcome" as my laughter dies down she just looks at me "um okay?". Walking back to her table her and her freinds whisper about me looking back a forth, it was really annoying.

Getting up I dump my trash when I'm confronted by Racheal, man I'v espoken to this ho* so many times i just need to make a nickname, and my mood was jovial after my encounter mear seconds ago. "Yes your highness? do you need omething cause I would be more than happy to tell you were to shove it" I say bitterly sweet. "Yea actually I was wondering where's Bane seeing you follow him like a lap dog" oh yay here we go, hmm maybe I should hit her this time instead of listening to her- oh well. "I have no idea where he is, maybe he's with that dear friend of yours thats missing whats her name again? victoria? Amanda? its soo hard to keep up"

"Oh please cut the crap everybody knows your screwing him" now that made my jaw drop "what?! me- him? oh lord no thats you sorry to disappoint". Walking away I laugh to myslef, god people here were such air heads. Calling Bane I wait for him to pick up.

"hello?" he answers "where are you I thought Adam fried your butt if you got caught skipping?" Chuckling he replies "that is if you get caught, why wanna join?" "mmmmmm maybe" "well hurry up before I leave you walk slower than crap" he sighs "wait how do you know I'm-" beofre I finish my sentence I see him sitting on the hood of his chevy looking at me through a window. Hanging up the phone I meet up with him.

 "Seriously?" gawking at me through a window, stalker much?" I ask him as I clinb into the car "nah..... well just a little" he then replies "where to?" "nuh uh it's a suprise" "oh come on don't be an ase" I smile "nope your just going to have to wait an see". instead I turned on teh music and rolled down the window to let the sunshine soak into my skin and ruffle my hair, it felt so nice, I could stay like this forever, infact I wanted to.

-sorry for the late update really tired guys

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Under a Full moonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora