a reason to believe

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Bane's P>O>V

As Adam sped down 419 he drove like a maniac, he was worrying just as bad as I was, every question was swirling thorugh my head, they just wouldn't stop bomb barding my thoughts. Pulling the car over we heard the sirens blaring behind us,the ambulence whoshed past us, locking eyes we think the same thought. Pressing on the gas we tail it, straight to the accident. Glass was strewn everywhere on the road there where tire marks and grinded bits of metal, rushing out of the car before Adam even parked it the ambulence blocked our way.

Looking at the scene beefore us it was the worst imaginable. The camero looked liek it had got shoved into a compacter. All the windows were blown out as the glass litered the ground around it, the passengar door had been ripped off it completely, and the car was upside down leaking gas from the fuel tank. As the perimedics surrounded the car they used the jaws of life to pry off the drivers side door which Cass's arm hung out of. When they had finally gotten the door out they gentily dragged her out a small trail of blood following her, she had glass in her hair and cuts laced up her arms her face was covered by her hair but I could see blood begin to trail its was across her face and through her hair.

Loading her onto the stretcher i break through the crowd "sir where going to have to ask you to stand back" a police officer said forcing me back, slapping his hands away and tell him she's my sister. Jumping into the Ambulence with Adam who claimed to be her father, I used my werewolf to listen forr her heart beat, but the thing was there wasn't one her chest was utterly silent. Looking to Adam I saw his jaw clench as he nodded confirming my greatest fear.

They killed her, the ruthless, as*holes of rouges, wrecked the car beyond recongition and had killed her, when I found out who they were they were going to die and that was a promise. As Adam called the Beta to collect the ruins of the car and investigate I held Cassandra's cold lifeless hand "hang in there Cass you can't leave me yet" I whispered under my breath. If there was a god up there i sure hoped he heard my plea.

Arriving at the hospital 30 minutes later they we're trying to revive her, it wasn't working. Adam had requested a special doctor as we headed to the ICU. I smelt werewolf before I saw them, the nurses and doctor Adam had requested where 'werewolf', watching behind the glass, the began cardio resitation. At the last second her heart gave off a small pulse before stoping again. Trying it again her heart finally restarted at a slow pace, placing an oxygen mask over her face the began a cautious surgery, she had a gash on her side and on the temple of her head.

Watching the surgery partially through I, don't remember them taking her out so I'm supposing I fell asleep. Waking up i found my self in a room on a reclinded chair, I was exhuasted. Looking over I scoot my chair closer to her bed resting my head on the matress I kiss the back of her hand as she laid unconcious. The doctor had suggested she might not wake up but I wasn't going to loose faith in her I knew she would pull through.

As Adam sat in the chair across the room he stand up and stretches "Bane you need to eat and go freshen up take a break I'll take over, I know Ma left some clothing for you go on". I knew he was right I barily had any sleep since the surgery and it was 36 hours later I hadn't moved from this spot. Still not sure how I got in here but I did remeber Adam hosting me over his shoulder afterwards. Dragging myself away from her bedside i change and clean myself up before grabbing a coffee and hamburger from the mc donalds at the far wing downstairs .

Heading back to the room, with my coffee. I enter the room silently, adam was singing a lullabye quietly to her, closing my eyes I resumed my pervious postion next to her bed side.

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thankx alot guys


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