Waking up to see your face

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Cass's P>O>V

Surfacing from my unconciousness I here a faint beeping, next to me. My eyes fluttering open, I notice I'm in a room, it had vanilla colored wall and flowers sat next to my bed side, my whole body flet like I got hit by a truck an i was wearing one of those weird hospital gowns luckily someone put volleyball shorts underneath. I had one of those oxygen tank things up my nose, it kind of bugged me, my left arm was connected to an IV and my other arm had a finger clamp thing on it, as Bane had his head lain down next to it sleeping peacefully.

Running my hand through his hair I noticed it had gotten longer, his eyes had bags underneath though I could tell he hadn't had sleep in a while. At that moment a nurse walked in, "your awake thank god this young lad here and the older hotter man outside never left your bed side since that terrible accident" she comments as she puts some morphine into the IV "Cass?" Bane says picking up his head from underneath my touch and rubbing teh sleep out of his eyes "hey wolf man" I whisper with my scratchy voice giving him a small smile. "Thank god your awake" smiling he leans over and gives me a hug hugging me a little to hard "oh sorry I forgot" he apologizes.

Biting my lip i contemplate my next words carefully "how bad is it?" looking at the nurse she reads the clipboard off. "Well you've been unconcious for 3 days, you lost a few pints of blood, you have three cracked ribs one on your right two on your left, a metal shard tore its way through the inner side of your right leg puncturing the muscle slightly and fracturing the femur bruising to our thigh, you have a cut on your temple; you have heavy bruising on your back and across the areas of the seat belt and that is it, but you will need rehabilitation for your leg".

Nodding my head she leaves the room but not before removing the stupid oxygen things off my face. "Are you okay?" he asks gripping my hand "yea" "Cass did Leo ever hurt you? just tell me the truth". Clearing the throat I turn away and pull the blanket off of myself carefully I look myself over; my upper thigh was wrapped in guaze and white ace bandage along with my ribs. "No" I reply honestly trying to block the memories as they came up, unplugging the heart monitor and finger clamp I also remove the IV. "No, what are you doing, your on bed rest" trying to keep me in bed he blocks my way off "come on I've been sleeping 3 days , I don't want to lie here, i wanna get dressed and get cleaned up" I sigh.

"Fine but I get to push your wheelchair" "wouldn't have it any other way. Gently he helps me lower my bad leg, standing on my one leg he helped me get dressed, looking in the mirror I had three stitches that were covered by my bangs and i had some scratches on my left cheek bone and a bruise on my leftbut besides that it was okay. Running a brush over my teeth and through my hair I sit into the wheel chair. My ribs didn't hurt to bad but my back and where the seat belt left bruises did, i just tried not to enhale to deeply. Pushing the chair i asked him to take me to where Adam was, pushing myself he's in the vistors waiting center, wheeling my way over to him on my own, he had his head down and looked liek he was sleeping or in deep thought.

"Wake up Adam I'm hungry" i shout trying to contain my laughter i just knew it would hurt my ribs worse "holy shite, what the hell your awake Cass?" snapping his eyes open a smile spread on his face "yea soooo when do I get out of this place i wanna go home" i yawn tiredly. Man they must have spiked my morphine cause i was sooooooooo tired "soon, when the doctor checks you out first" standing up we head back to the room but not before I got a ice coffee yum. "Hit it Bane" grining he looks at me and Adam just has an uh oh expression on his face "you sure"? "yep hit teh noz. With that He ran down the hall pushing me, letting go of the chair i go flying by a bunch of nurses with their mouths hanging open, with Adam.

I was so going to way for that later, but right now i couldn't stop laughing even though it felt liek i was getting stabbed by my ribs. "Well looks like your all better to go I'll just have your father here sign you out and we'll give you some take home meds" the doctor says lifting my leg and re-wrapping it since it was bleeding again and checking my other wounds.

Grabbing tennis shoes i can't even put them on without screaming out in pain from my ribs, so Bane did it, giving me a shot to dull the pain and to relax my system I yawn five minutes later as I'm being wheeled out. Unfortunatly i had to come back in 3 days for examination since i was being released early. Propping my leg on the seat Bane lets me lean against him "soo tired, btw sorry I wrecked your car Adam" I yawned repeatedly before i fell asleep.

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thnkx a mill guys update soon promise


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