my best friend,.... my lover....

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Cass's P>O>V

Walking into Science I sit in my seat in the back waiting for the teacher. Sighing I watch the kids pile into the room, doodling in my notebook I drumb my finger fustratedly. The late bell had already rung for 4th period and the teacher still wasn't here yet. Walking in strutts mr Bjai, Finnaly! jesus I didn't have time to just sit here and do nothing if i wanted to do that i would have stayed home. Sitting at his desk he pulls out a stack of papers, telling us to just relax and chill today we were free to do anything, at that moment Racheal decided to grace us with her annoying prescene, oh joy.

Walking over to were Bane sat she practically sat on his lap and started making out with him. Ew come on guys seriously, I felt like barfing. Looking out of the corner of my eye I couldn't help but feel jealous wait- jealous? oh god i really am loosing my mind. Racheal was straddled across his lap all her junk on him as they were making out. Feeling my stomach churn i felt a searing pain in my chest like i was being burned, gripping my hands into fists, I try to breathe evenly to get rid of the nauzea but it was only getting worse. Grabbing my stuff I have the teacher sign my planner quickly as i practically sprint out of there running towards the girls bathroom.

Leaving my stuff on the ground I empty the contents of my stomach into the toliet. My breathing labored the wave of nauzea hits me again along with the searing. What the heck was going on, groaning i puke again. Signing myself out of the office I head to the house but not before puking along the way, I've got to have a virus or something, this was ridculous.

Bolyting through the front door I run into my room and into the bathroom where I spend the next hour puking my brains out, yay- no. "Sweetie are you okay I heard you come in are okay"? Auntie Asks from the other side of the door "yea just a lil sick" I mumble rinse my mouth out. Walking in she gapes at me "you look pale are you dehydrated do you want some water? something to eat?" checking my tempurature she looks me over like a nurse. "Yea water would be good, plus I think my stomache is empty anyway" I breathe walking over to my bed I lay on my side and curl into a ball. 

God i felt horrible "Auntie"? I ask opeinging my eyes "yes?" "Um my chest hurts like my lungs were burning what does that mean?" I ask wearily pausing she contemplates her answer "well it meansyour mate is trying to mate someone besides you" sitting beside me she rubs my back. "But I havent found my mate yet"  i sigh "well maybe you have and you just don't know it, thats why I'm guessing you were sick, or something  along those lines".  "Oh' I whisper and close my eyes again. I couldn't belieev I had a mate, I wonder who, oh well all I wanted to do right now was to stop upchucking my breakfast,lunch and dinner.

Drifting to sleep I feel Auntie cover me with a blanket, Awakening I feel someone sit beside me "Hey" Bane says stroking my hair "hey". "I heard you weren't feeling well you okay?" "nah I feel like sh*t, but its going away" when i spoke my voice came all scratchy and raspy so I probally sounded like a old lady. "Well i'll let you sleep then" getting off my bed I stop him grabbing onto the leg of his jeans "can't you stay a little while?". Turning back to me he grins "sure smurfete" scooting over he climbs in beside me.

Snuggling against him I breathed in his rich scent, god he smelt good; yeah I know weird right? Stroking my hair he mumbles a song under his breath sending me to sleep, it almost sounded like a lullabye, it was sweet and soft; like honey. I knew i was safe right here with no body i could have trusted more. My best friend, my brother, my buddy and sometimes when I let my thoughs run wild my wanna be lover..........

thnkx a mill guys update soon


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