Penny for my thoughts

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Unlocking the back door to the house I headed to my room to drop off my stuff. Changing into more comfortable clothes I throw on some basketbal shorts and a baggy tee. I didn't want to stay inside till Adam came back from whatever he was doing so I headed outside.

Going into the stables, the stable hand looks at me "Please don't tell Adam" I sigh "Don't worry, he'll find out sooner or later just not by me" she says before giving me a smile and walking away to tend to the horses. Great so I'm screwed either way, it not like I didn't see it coming though. Climbing up to the horse I knew as Buttercup, I rode on her bare back into the woods. Collecting through my thoughts one came popping back up. Bane just sat there, looking at me doing absolutely nothing, I thought he was my friend, guess I saw his true colours then -frown- I really thought I had made a friend.

Wandering through the woods aimlessly I find a creek pool, Sitting down beside the small rocky pool I dip my feet into the cool water. It was kind of relaxing, in fact it almost made me forget my problems. As the sun danced on my shorts and in the creek the time passed, I had to face it sooner or later though I hoped Rachael slipped and fell after I left, but fate was not on my side.

Heading back I took the long way back, It was about 4 in the afternoon when I got back not bad time for escaping your problems for 5 hours. Putting the mare in her stall I headed into the house and up to my room inconspicuously. Getting called for dinner I walk downsatirs, tonight the Ross's were over along with Bane's parents. Which both looked exactly like him 

Sitting down I prepared myslef for armegedon. Sitting down I got looks from everybody except Aunt Karen she just gave me a warm smile. I didn't dare look at Bane. This was going to be an intersting dinner. Great let the war begin.

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sorry guys no pics for banes parents

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