the after party

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   Jolting awake i hear a loud crash from below, leaning over my nightstand my clock reads 1:26 AM, what the hell? throwning off my covers i stumble and limp my way downstairs, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes i almost walk right into the remains of a broken vase, oh boy. Walking into the kitchen its a even bigger mess, silverware was strewn all over along with dishes, cups and food and a very very drunkin Bane. "Bane?" turning around i can tell he's more than drunk by his blootshot eyes "Cass! i was wonder'n where ya were, there's nothin' ta eat in the fridge" stumbling over to me his arms engulf me. Ahh shite, now i would have to cook him food, and clean up his mess. See wolves can hold their liquor quite well actually it takes alot to get drunk because their metabolism burns it off quick, but get enough in an, the metabolism slows down so it needs food which equals energy to continuosly help burn off the liqour, and durning this time the body temp raises to sweat out the toxins. Which hire's me to be his baby sitter, i wouldn't put it past rachael to have left him like he is, speaking of the b*tch where was she i thought they went together? oh well.

   "Alright just, um, sit down and i'll find something" prying myself from his grip, i gaze at the disaster of a kitchen, picking up the already defrosting steak i tear open the package to cook it and some fries. Salvaging what i can throught the kitchen I start cleaning the crushed eggs, spilt milk, bag of flour that look like exploded everywhere and sticky kool aid stuck to just about everything. Sliding the food onto a plate i barely set it down before he's scarfing it down, "Bane where's rachael and how did you get home?" turning to him he finishes the plate "dunno, and i drov' i guess".

     Moving him up to his bedroom was like persuading king kong to eat a bananna, difficult. Glancing at the clock it was 2:47 AM finally i was done with the kitchen thank god and now onto sweep up the broken vase, when giggling came from outside, peaking my head out the sliding glass door i saw the one and only intoxicated racheal sneaking over to her house, with another pack member known as Jason which was also drunk. "Wow rach, aren't you supposed to be with Bane?" leaning on the glass door to the house i smirk at her, whirling around she catches my gaze "oh pleaz, get ah life why don't cha, plus its not like ima his baby sitter". "Yea have fun wish yu the best of luck my little walking STD" "sur' will reject" she shouted over her shoulder before pulling Jason into her house behind her.

      Just eww' i honestly don't know how people like that live -shudder-, setting a glass of water on Bane's nightstand i notice he already has stripped down to basketball shorts, getting up to leave his arm secures itself to my wrist "stayeh". Rolling my eyes i don't argue and just climb ontop of his comforter, wrapping his arms around my waist his head rests on my midsection, in the morning i was sooo going to tell him 'i told you so' combing my fingers through his hair he quickly fell asleep snuggling some more into my side. 

      Letting my mind wander it drifted over th epast few months i'd been here each one had been different from the last i mean who knew a few months ago i'd be sitting in the same house my mother resided and would actually get a second chance at having a real life, but then again i guess life is just unexepected like that. Waking up to hear Bane's bedroom door slam open, was not how i wanted to wake up but then again seeing the devil herself standing there a face of fake shock and anger plastered isn't that better either, ugh great.

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