if you don't think about it it doesn't hurt that much

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Cass's P>O>V

Waking up I only had 10 minutes before school. Pulling on some white shorts and a black tee putting on my converse to finish it, I bring along my ipod and hoodie. Walking into teh kitchen i knew I already missed the bus, so i knew I had to improvise. Grabbing a bannana muffin from the counter I snatched some keys from the hanger, heading into the garage I saw Adam's lexus, a 250 pick up truck, a mazda miata which was Aunt karens, along with one covered car. Hitting the unlock button the keychain, the covered car beeped. Walking over to it I ripped the cover off.

It was a 2010 silver camero, on the back it had a autobot sticker on the gas tank, nice touch. Starting the car i opened the garage door and sped out, good thing i had a permit, turbning up the music it blasted through the speakers. Sure Adam would be mad but, he owed me for all the shit he put me through. Turning into the front student parking lot, everybody was still by their cars. Speeding I pull the car into a tight parking space. Taking a breath I put on my hoodie and sunglasses, "okay you can do this keep your chin up ignore everyone, today your invincible"

Taking a deep breath I pull the hood up on the jacket and get out of the car. Everyone was looking at me, putting in my ipod ear buds I lock the car door and walk into schoool. I went through my first 3 hours in a daze until Leo snapped me out of it "hey where did you disappear to yesterday?" today we where on the track again "oh you know skipped". Picking up my pace i try to drop the conversation "oh well you know everybodys talking about what happened I dont-" cutting him off I interject "I don't care it wan't my fault, can we drop the subject please" I say irritated.

Shrugging his shoulders he's quiet "sure no problem, sooo beat you around the track" he says before running off ahead of me "I'm still gonna win" I shout heading after him. By the time lunch came around I was fidgety, shaking it off Leo gets in line beside me, picking a pear, cookie and water I pay for it. Turning around I face Leo "wanna skip?" "well I don't have a car today but-" Pulling him out of the cafeteria I sneak out the schools side door and walk over to "my" car.

"You where the one, that came racing into here this morning?" "yep" Unlocking the doors I get in "where did youget the money for this kind of car its awesome "I didn't pay" Backing out I head onto the main road contemplating my options on where to go "you mean your- your and auto theft" he exclaims looking at me like I was crazy "nah I like to think of it as borrowing the Alphas pride and joy" I smile. Stiing back into the seat he relaxs "Man dude you have balls, i just hope you dont scratch the paint" "nah i'm thinking of wrapping it around a pine tree" grining I turning into the direction of the mall. the car ride is silent.

Walking around I munch on my pear and cookie. I really liked hanging around with Leo he wasn't the prick I figured him for. Laughing our as*es off on the way back to school, I enjoyed myself, I had a small mental battle not to think about Bane and what I was to do with teh whole ordeal. Stopping the car beside his friends everybody is looking our way as we sat on the hood of the car talking. Hopping down we go our different ways, opening the drivers door Bane comes over "can we talk?" looking around everybody is still starring "get in"

Drumming my fingers on teh steering wheel bane speaks "listen I'm sorry about yesterday I didn't know Racheal was going to do that, and dinner was a disaster I'm sorry i was just frozen I was going to say something I swear please forgive me I miss being around you and being your friend" "is that it?" I ask. I really wanted to forgive him, I mean he was my best friend paractically my everything sigh.

"I am sorry Cass please forgive me please" "Whatever" I sigh "what do you mean whatever come on Cass peaz" he begged giving me puppy eyes, oh god not the eyes "no" i repeat holding back a laugh i couldn't help it he was adroable. "Peaz?" reaching across the console he pulled me into his seat tickling me to death. "Mercy I forgive you" I laugh "good" he sighs giviing me a peck on the cheek I slide back into my seat as he gets out. Starting the car i back out as he knocks on my window, rolling it down I stick my head out "yea?" "you know Adam is going to kill you for taking the car right?". Smiling I look at him "Yea" watching him shake his head I peel out of the student parking lot on the way home.

Okay so today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Pulling the car into the garage I see a frwoning Adam and a Laughing Aunt Karen, reving the car foward he jumps back as I park the car. "What do you think you were doing driving MY car?" walking away I ignore him "Cassandra answer me" following me to the kitchen I turn on him "It was for listening to that bitch Racheal instead of me, you never once asked me about what really hapened, you just sat there making me take all the bullshit, so now your not getting your car keys back, payback is a bitch".

Aunt Karen was grinning from ear to ear " I told you Adam, the Ross's don't have anything better to do than put people down, i cannot believe you actually believed them their acting was horibble" sighing Adam leans against the counter "Alright alright, I'm sorry for not listening for what you had to say i can listen now if you like". Sitting down I tell him my side and he agree's "Alright now that tha's settled may I have the car keys back?" "nope I think I like cher she's very fast, I think she's a keeper" grining I stand up to stretch "Cher? you named my car cher?" looking at me his

jaw drops "yea it sreally fitting".

Aunt Karen busted out laughing "she has my sense of femininism, sorry Adam but yo cna't win tehm all" patting his shoulder. Auntie and I head upstairs.

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