Things are so messed up

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Banes P>O>V

I was frozen as Racheals mother and my own accused Cass of everything under the sun. I had to say something "no wait"  my wolf barked "what are you kidding me she's my friend" "just watch rookie you might learn something just let her take the heat". I stopped fidgeting and sat there "I am so dissapionted in you Cassandra the way you acted towards this situtuation, how could you use your anger like that" Adam pitched in. I don't think Cassandra was really listening, but her shoulders tensed as she scrubbed the plate, hearing a loud crack the plate had broke. Reaching for the dish rag her blood rolled across the back of her hand. Turning around she glarecd at us all, looking up i met her gaze, her eyes had completly silvered over she glared at me with a fuk off look. She left the room silently up to her room.

Everybody let out a collective sigh "great job mom way to make dinner wonderful" I spat before heading outside. Everything was so messed up right now, and that just blew it to kingdom come. I knew something was up when I was on my way over to apologize for lunch to Cass when my Mom practically dragged me here by my boxers to eat dinner. And there she went chasing off another one of my friends, great welp there goes my social life. Heading back inside i headed up to Cass's room knocking on the door she didn't answer she just turned up the music up louder, and ignored me. Leaning against the wall I re-think everything.

"She'll forgive you know, she just needs time" Aunt karen says ruffling my hair taking in my distreesed posture "Is she Omegea"? I ask. It was the only way she could even think about forgiving me "I'm  not sure but she is one of a kind" patting my shoulder she walked off. Sigh great I was screwed, I didnt know what to do, this has happened before but not to this severe. I guess I just had to wait.

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