tears are like diamonds

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Sitting on the bathroom counter Bane finishes wrapping up my leg "I'm not going to sit around being useless, or ms drama queens punching bag" I state firmly rolling his eyes he helps me down "your not useless Cass your injured you just need to chill out and let your body heal itself before you go off doing anything". Sighing I calculate my chances for not doing anything for the next two weeks plus rehabilitation "uh no" "oh yes you are, or i'll make Adam send you back to the hospital so they can watch you" grinning he stares me down "you wouldn't" "oh my dearest I would, besides I have things to do too, watching after you is like watching after a 3 year old on crack". 

I knew he was kidding but it still hurt "oh yeah what you gonna go do, go back and get some as$ from Racheal like last time, at the beach" I sneer Grabbing my crutches I limp past him. "No what makes you say that, jealous much, I mean like Racheal said its not my fault Leo rejected you" okay now he was just being a cocky as*, god he was so cold didn't he have a heart, this was not the Bane that i knew. Turning around I backhanded him "Don't. you, ever. speak. to. me. like. that. I risked my life for this house, yea thats right I know the rouges crashed the car on purpose, if it would be anybody else in that car they would bee oh so important but NO i'm just a half breed to the rest of you, but hey at least i have a heart".

Walking off he just stood there, I couldn't believe he just said that, he spoke to me like i was- trash, that wasn't Bane, thta was the cold hearted person Racheal made him to be and I truely hated her for that. Making my way into the stables, the stable hand gave me help with my boots and placing a chair into Buttercups stall so I could brush her. As it stared to rain outside my tears came with it, and truely I felt utterly anlone.

Hours past and i stayed in the same spot brushing the mare and talking more to her than myslef. It was dusk out before I even thought about it. "You've been out here all day" Leaning against the stalls gate was Adam, Wiping the last of my tears away i mummer "i know", helping me get my boots off. He helped me get back to the house. "Dinners alomst ready, why don't you go get cleaned up and join us" shaking my head I told him I wasn't hungry, and made my way to my room. Looking in the bathroom mirror my hair that was french braided back had somewhat fallen loose and my eyes held my pain. Jumping into the shower after I wrapped my leg so it wouldn't get wet, pulling on some night shorts an a loose tee I stole from Bane I limp my way over my bed, as i hum the tune of fly away by sugarland.

Hearing a knock on my door I tell them to go away harshly, instead they come in anyway "you can't get rid of me that easily Cass" "What back to insult me more gee thankx for caring you cold hearted bast*rd". Pulling out my ipod I put in my earbuds to ingore him, yet he yanks them away. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE HUH? IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO DO THAT? YOU WON OKAY YOU WON!" i yell at him smacking him anyway I can "cass stop cass sto-" grabbing my hands he pulls me against his chest "I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry please". 

Finally giving up and giving in and just lay there limply. When we fought both of us felt like crap, we couldn't help but give in to one another, we were like magnets, it was almost like there was something more to us. Laying in his arms he rocked me till i felll asleep tears running down my face and all.

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