saving your ass and you fixing mine....

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Cassie's p.o.v.

Turning over I read the time on my clock 2:45 pm, pulling myself out of bed I swapped out my night clothes for some basketball shorts and a light blue camisole. My body was lightly sore in the spots I had bruises, and cuts the majority on my back and a few littering my arms, my right hand was killing me though, it was crusted with blood and cuts, I could barley move it, I wasn't going to complain though it was worth it. So I smeared neosporin on them and made my way downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water and fruit I was thankful nobody was roaming the house at the moment, I don't think I could put up with them at the moment.

"You did some real damage to Rachael the other day" great the last person I wanted to talk to -Leo. Shrugging my shoulders I ignored him as I munched on my pear, I wasn't going to give him a reaction "kinda hot if you ask me I mean if I had someone do that to what was supposed to be my mate I would think twice about being with her". Letting his gaze roam my body I resisted to shudder, tossing the remainder of the pear in the garbage I walked away from him my destination set on the woods, unfortunately he followed, halfway to the woods he pulled my arm turning me around. Wrenching my arm away my bruises protested, throwing him a glare he spoke up "aw come on Cassie stop resisting me I know you still want me, I know I said some stuff before but who cares right?". Sneering at him I regarded him coldly "I wouldn't want you if I was on my death bed, and who cares? I DO! you basically called me a whore and wanted to have sex with me, just looking at you makes me sick!"

Pulling me towards him, I froze. As I slammed against his body, he smashed his lips against mine, grabbing my ass in the process, shoving him away roughly I backhanded him. A quick flare of pain radiated in my damaged hand shaking it out I locked my jaw "stay away from me or I swear your going to get more than that". "Leo I believe last time I talked to you I told you to stay the hell away from her" swiveling my head I spotted a pissed off Bane stalking towards us. Sending me a wink he smirked at Bane "I can't help it if she still wants me, you know how it is stringing someone along right Bane?". Leaping into the air in a mid dive Bane transformed into his wolf, just then for me the world slowed down, and though one word.


Jumping towards Bane himself, I wrapped my arms around his midsection, as time snapped back into place we went flying. Landing in a heap I stood up pushed him off me, ouch! that was gonna leave another bruise. We had landed about a good 10 feet to to the left of where Leo was standing, "aw look who came to the rescue'' smiling devilishly Leo blew Bane a kiss, "leave or i'm going to let Bane tear you to bits you fuckin' prick" I threw over my shoulder and sure enough he was gone soon as the words came out of my mouth. Shaking dirt off his pelt Bane let out a loud threatening growl that sounded like roar, standing my ground I gave him the coldest glare I could "that all you fucking got?!" Taking a menacing step towards me I took one also "What you wanna go tear him apart? go ahead do it, then see how the pack views you, and how much trouble you get in with Adam" snorting at me he tilted his head "I don't need protecting, not from you anyway, so yeah your welcome".

Stalking back to the house he trotted beside me licking my injured hand, slapping his snout I gritted my teeth as I shook my hand out --again, I really needed to stop using it, I had already opened up the cuts again. "Fuck off Bane" slamming my bedroom door in his face I sighed deeply and sat on the window seat glaring outward as I cradled my hand. Snick! Banging my head against the wall once out of frustration, I Bane picked my lock. "Its not nice to slam doors in people face when you know they can pick the lock" sitting down next to me he tried to get me to look at him, "go away Bane". "No, now let me see your hand" snatching up my hand he examined it, ruffling through my bathroom he came back with gauze, butterfly's, liquid band-aid, numbing creme and blue athletic tape,  he cleaned it an wrapped it up. Then carried on with the rest of my body placing two butterflies on my left shoulder blade, ice on my ankle which lightly throbbed and liquid bandage on the rest, which stung like a bitch.

Turning my head towards him he swiped his thumb across my bottom lip wiping away the blood that leaked out of my split lip.  "She's wrong for you in every way its not right you shouldn't be with her, you can do better" sighing he just ruffled his hair, shaking my head I laid on my bed, laying down beside me we just stared at each other. "I'm sorry I know, and I know sorry isn't good enough but its all I have right now Cass really I am, I just want us to go back to how it was before I'm tired of fighting and never being able to hang out or talk like we used to..." exhaling I murmured "okay " Feeling myself give in I rested my head on his arm I yawned "Okay? what do you mean, okay?" "if you're really sorry prove it , and I'll think about forgiving you, for right now you can start by letting me sleep" Feeling my eyelids shutter closed I felt him laugh a bit "yeah I missed you too Cass" "shhh"   giving me a peck on the forehead he let me fall into a peaceful asleep.  

I was soooo falling for my best friend.. no matter how far we stray from each other we always collide     ..... always.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2013 ⏰

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