A broken dish

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Finishing off my grilled chicken, Adam clears his throat as Rachael starts her pleading looks towards her mom, oh here we go. "So what is this ordeal I've heard about at school today?" Adam was using his Alpha tone slightly, inhaling deeply, picking up my glass and plate I bring them over to the sink even though Adam has a dish washer, I gave me something to do with my hands so I don't evd up punching Rachael, she was so... fake. "Well Alpha, I went over to Cassandra to sit with her and i tripped and accidently got smoothie on her, before I could I could apologize  she poured her smoothie all over me and pushed me down, she made a complete fool out of me, everybody laughed at me.

By the time she was done she had fake tears running down her ugly face and her mom was hugging her sympthically "do you see what she had done to my little girl, made her a laughing stock of the community" her mother sneers pointing at me. Her mom was almost as bad an actor as her daughter was, wow. "Yes and how is my son supposed to mate the girl who is being bullied by this, this reject as a child" Bane's mother chipped in. That stung "It never happened like that she-" getting  cut off by Rachaels mother again I turn around to scrub my plate "shes a nusicence, ruining my child self esteem she is, my daughter has never done anything to this girl and she takes a mistake by my daughter this way, I pity her kind taking her fustrations out on a poor girl such as my own"

Scrubbing the grime off my plate harder my grip tightens on it "yes and my son will not be afiliated with her if this continues Adam this is ridiculous" Bane's mother pitched. As they continued to talk my blood boiled more and more, as I scrubbed the dish repeatedly "Well, I am very disappointed in you Cassandra, I couldn't believe you would act this way" thats all I heard from Adam before i tuned out into my own thoughts. He was taking their side, the only ones he was listening to was them, hell Bane hadn't even defended me he sat there just like at lunch.

Hearing a loud crack Adam is silent, along with everybody else in the room they were all staring towards me, looking down the dish I was holdng had shattered straight in three pieces, it had made a deep cut into the left palm. Dropping the pieces into the sink I grab the dish towel before turning on them. I already knew my eyes had gone from blue green to straight silver, and I was beyond pissed, I could feel whatever wolf I had in my rise to the surface. Sending Bane a fuk off glance I head upstairs without a word.

Slamming my door, I focused on my hand, most of my blood had covered the dish towel. Holding my hand over the sink I watched the blood drip down. Turning on the facet I held my hand underneath it, I couldn't believe them, ecspecially Adam, he didn't even listen to my side. Hah like he would have believed me anyway. The whole situation made me queezy, pulling away from the sink I empty mydinner into the toliet. Wrapping my hand in gauze and athletic tape I lock my door and plug my mp3 player into the stereo to play.

Hearing a knock at the door i already know its Adam, ignoring it I only turn the music up louder to drown him out, another knock sounded it was Aunt Karen again I ignored it, lastly came Bane's I turned my music up and fell asleep. I felt uterly alone my own best friend turned on me. Screw you fate. But this is a good thing..... I think.

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