My worst nightmare- school

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Cass's P>O>V

The week passed faster than I would have liked and now it was time for my first day at school. Bane and I haven't hung out that much, cause anytime Rachael could yank him away she did. Selecting my white skinney jeans I pulled them on along with a baby blue tee, grabbing a pair of sneakers I drag my already packed backpack downstairs. "Are you ready for your first day of school?" Bane asks enthusiastically, leaving my face blank of any expression he take the hint "yeah okay thats what I thought, come on we don't wanna be late".

Hopping into his camero we head to schoool "is this education thing really nessecary?" I really didnt wanna go, I was just going to be made fun of again "yes unless you wanna skip?" smiling he looks over "yes god please yes" I beg him. "Maybe after lunch, I must warn you Adam won't be happy about it" By now I practically considered Adam my dad, he warmed up to me quite nicely so it was a mutual thing. "Just get me out of this place and I'll handle the rest" sighing he parked the car in the student parking lot "just to warn you everybody here is wolf so yea don't piss anybody off, I can't be with you to save you this time" he mocks.

"More like me saving you" I smile before climbing out "you wish hah heck I-" getting cut off Rachael Kisses him, ugh gross today she was wearing a high waisted black mini skirt and a white tank paired with red heels, I mean what the hell. Grabbing my backpack I head to the front office to pick up my scedule and locker combo. Putting all of the extra schhol supplies I read my scedule

1st hour- Mrs. Biez; Math

2nd hour- Mr. lawferd; social studies

3rd hour- Mrs. Koonze; english

4th hour- Coach mathews; p.e.


5th hour- Mrs. loue; science

6th hour- Mrs. lockwood; cooking

Sighing I can feel eyes already staring at me, breathe Cass breathe. Heading off towards Math, I find my seat in the back. Seeing Bane walk in my mood sprouts before it gets destroyed by Rachael walking through the door behind him. They both sat to my left waving, passing notes back and forth with Bane, Rachael sears me with a glare i felt like a bug being fried by a magnifying glass.

"Hey" a guy says running next to me in P.E. "hi" "so are you new here?" he asks as we go around the  second turn on the trail "yeah, the names Cassandra but you can call me Cass" glancing at him he's not that bad looking he had the bad boy vibe going on, black hair reached his cheek bones highlighted at the tips with blond, I could tell he was well built by teh way he ran mmmm. Wait he was the guy from dinner that one night. 

"Oh well welcome to ridgeway high then, I'm Lex you probally remember me from dinner when you first came, I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang at lunch?" shocked by his question I waited a few minutes before responding "yea sure" I stutter. "Sooo race to you the finish line?" "are you kidding me, its not even a competion if i beat you" Smiling, I sprint off "cute" he says laughing as he catches up with me. Finishing we're both derenched in sweat argueing about who won "nah I totally kicked your butt by a good two feet" I laugh "you wish you did" grining we head to the locker rooms.

-------------------------------------> lex

authors note- okay the guy from the dinner scene i forgot his name here so when it says lex it means him so yea

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