breaking the cycle

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Waking up I hear a soft snorring above me, what the hell? Looking around i realize I'm in my bedroom on my bed. That and my head was currently resting on Bane's thigh as he sat up sleeping, trying to move out of the bed, it feels like electric pulses going through my thigh to my ribs. Putting some effort into it my side starts to act up "oh your awake" rubbing the sleep out of his eyes Bane forces me to stay still, "Bane lemme up, come on stop fooling around" I begin to panic a little. "Whoa chill out don't hurt yourself", helping me sit up, I instantly regret it and clench my hand to my side, it really hurt to breathe deeply. Come on Cass, breathe get over it your not going to be coped up in your room because your hurt, this day is going to be like any other.

Putting on a brave face, I take a sloww deep breath and wince slightly, before releasing it. "Come on lets get you some food eh?" Giving me some crutches, I balnce myslef onto my right leg letting my left just hang there. Slowly making my way downstairs it frustrated me that I had to go so slow, I felt useless, dame it. Manuvering around the kitchen, Bane sits on the counter watching me as I try to fix a omlet "need help?" cocking his head to the side he gives me a small frown.

 "No" I reply quickly, trying to get the cheddar cheese on the second to top shelf , in the back of the fridge I can't reach it "your supposed to be on bed rest moving aorund an stuff is just going to tear open the stitches on your thigh" he comments motioning towards my exposed mid thigh wrapped in gauze from my shorts "I don't care". Grabbing the cheese he raises his eyebrow looking at me shaking his head. Snatching it away I roll my eyes shredding trteh cheese onto the egg.

"BANE-E BOO where are you?" I heard screeching into the kitchen , truning my head to Bane I smirk "oop theres your master, wolfboy, go fetch" rolling his eyes he scoots himself closer to the stove "there you are bae, I've been looking for you like forever" Racheal sighs strutting in to the kitchen only wearing a pair of volleyball shorts and a off the shoulder shirt that said diva. Hahahahah more like needs to say b*#ch "yes here I am" Bane replies blankly, pulling him to her she starts to make out with him like hardcore. As my inner wolf howled MINE! 

"EW! okay dudes can you get away from the stove I don't want herpes or something in my food so please like take yo buisness some where else, I don't want it in my food" I entervine sharply. Breaking their intense lip lock, she galres at me "oh so the reject speaks, now, mmmm your just jealous that Bane here wants a real woman such as moi". "Bahahahah thats what you call yourslef? hahahah thats- thats what you think you are? cuase I can think of so many other things, sl*t being one of them" I say quickly before I continue to laugh. "Oh really think thats funnny huh? at least I didn't get rejected by Leo, then again you were never good enough for him anyway" she sneers.

Clenching my fists I grab  whatever is closest to me and that so happened to be a knife "oh haha think your funny well lets see how funny you are missing an arm and a leg" lunging towards her, i ignore the protesting pain in my leg. Screeking away Bane grabs my waist holding me back gently but cautiously, prying the knife out of my hand he drops it into the sink. "You b*#ch you cut me" she yells, looking at her face she has a small scratch along her cheekbone "oops!" I smile widely as she stalks away to go run telling her mother.

"What the?" walking in Adam shakes his head "Bane I thought you were supposed to make sure she didn't do anything to get her slef hurt or killed now look what happend" he sighs pointing towards my leg wich was now seeping blood, oh great. " I- she- we- ugh" picking me up bridal style I grab my plate of cheesy eggs to take with me. "Ow watch the side, and yea Bane your supposed to be stoppoing me from hurting my self," I say mimicing Adam.

Rolling his eyes he takes me upstairs into the bathroom to change my bandage and hopefull give me some pain killers; "yeah and if I had it my way you would be in a straight jacket, child" "oh pshhh whatever" I laugh slightly wincing again. Man they were right I did need to take it easy, my whole body was throbbing now, hmmm maybe i should take a nap, I thought before yawning to rest my eyes for a second.    

thnkx a mill upload soon


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