exploring my new home

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Waking up around 10 in the morning I lay in the full sized bed. I think i was in shock a bit because i kept staring at the ceiling wide awake. Grabbing some tan capri's and a slightly faded baby blue shirt, I run a brush through hair then brushing my teeth. Stepping otu of "my" room I run into somebody. Yeah great job Cass way to make and impression. "Oh sorry" giving me a hand up he smiles, glancing at him He not bad looking. He had Dark brownish black hair, his feature were sharp, with peircing blue eyes, dressed in a green hollister shirt and black basketball shorts the look suited him. "Oh thanks" i stutter "no problem you must be Cassandra, I'm Bane" smiling theres a certain twinkle in his eye.

"Yea that's me but you can call me Cass for short" hmmm maybe he could be my tour guide of this place, come on Cass grow up just tour yourself around it's not like you two are going to be friends anytime soon. "Well Cass, i guess I'll see you around then", nodding his head we go our seperate ways. navigating my way downstairs I run into something that fells like a boulder, god i had to stop doing that. Looking up I see Adam, giving me a smile he says good morning. Following him to the kitchen I sit on the stool near the island counter, staring at him as he fiddled around the kitchen I scrutinized him.

 He was good looking tan muscular; he had a long braid of thick brown hair, sharp angles on his face he almost looked like Charles from the omega series by Patricia Briggs.  Mmm interesting, "so how you you know my Mom?" I ask "well we met in highschool and we soon became friends, in fact this is where we lived the room your currently in was hers". My mouth gaping open i couldn't believe it .my mom. lived here .in this house. whoa. Well that's a shocker.

Explaing everything to me i begin to understand, after my mom married dad and got pregnant with me she made the deal with Adam. Since he now owned this property she wanted me to reside here. Even beyond the grave she was watching over me, i couldn't help but smile a little. I would go to a differnt school with the rest of the people that resided here, I found out their like a huge family or something. Cool, looking around i can't believe i was actually staying here.

Heading off to his office, I head back upstairs to finish exploring the. One of the doors at the far end of the house, was cracked open to one of the major bedrooms. Walking out was a older woman, she had hair like mine except shorter, she was a couple inches taller than me, she was wearing a pair of pink silk bottoms and a white tank. She barely had any wrinkles though she looked over 40 she almost looked like a super model or the mom i never had.

Looking over to wear I'm at she has a genuie smile on her face, the runs over to hug me, she smelled like lilacs and honey. "Its so nice to meet you, you must me Cassandra, I'm Adams mother, you can call me Karen" "oh its nice to meet you too" in her prescene I felt dirrty for what I was wearing. "Come sweetie tell me about yourself" walking into her room it was nice all victorian and silk it was nice. I think i could get used to this woman. 

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