this isn't a pissing match, this is war....

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Staring into my bowl of lucky charms I lost my self in my thoughts of last night "maybe if you stare into the bowl hard enough you'll disappear into it". Face palming myself I turned my gaze on Rachael "shouldn't you be on a street corner somewhere?" Sneering at me her gaze roamed over my appearance, I was wearing one of Banes shirts with some basketball shorts and my hair was thrown up into a messy bun. "Says the desperate reject that's fawning over my mate how pathetic you poor little bitch" taking a seat across from me she smirked, oh how I would love to slap that off her face right now.

"What the hell have you been smoking? Cause I have no idea what the hell your talking about" keeping my demeanor cool she pinned me with a look "oh really that song last night pure coincidence? I think not, as a matter of fact you guys were a little too close last night also, how interesting Banes charity case has a crush on him" clenching my jaw she leaned across the table as if she was going to tell me a secret "funny how I'm his mate and your not, don't worry once Bane and I finish the mating ceremony i'll be sure to tell Bane to put you out of your misery."

I couldn't stand it anymore something in me just snapped, launching myself across the table I tackled her, slamming her down on the hardwood floor, she threw me off in her eyes I saw her wolf rise to the occasion. Even though she was werewolf she could easily tear me apart but that didnt mean i was going down without ripping a chunk out of her face, standing up we both faced each other glaring, growling at her I said my final sentiment "fine then,lets tussle bitch". Slamming me against the wall she ground my face in , I head butted her forcing her back, I threw a right hook that caught her eye, howling in pain she clutched her face as blood trickled from her forehead; perfect. 

Taking advantage I tackled her to the ground punching her relentlessly until she bucked me off, scratching me she pulled my hair tearing loose a few strands she threw me at the stairs, catching one on my rib air whoshed out of my lungs. Crawling away from them she twisted my ankle yanking me back and sent a sharp kick to my stomach which made me launch into a dry gagging fit, running towards me I sent her reeling back with a kick, finally being able to stand she ran at me werewolf speed spearing me she sent us crashing through the back patios glass door. Scrambling in the grass we overturned each other sending, punches, scratches and kicks both ways, whichever would grab purchase.

In the background I heard Adam yelling but my mind wouldn't process it as we kept trying to draw blood. This wasn't a fight, this wasn't a pissing match, this was flat out territorial and nothing but. Slamming her head against the ground I was soon yanked off her by strong arms, lucky for me I still had her hair wrapped in my fist, hearing her scream they freed her hair, but not before I ripped out a chunk; success! Interveining Adam restrained me and Bane held onto the walking STD "calm down cass its over okay its done stop" holding onto me tight Adam kept telling me to calm down.

Glaring at Racheal she only smirked devilishly, I had done a good job of wrecking her face. It was currently sporting a black eye that bruising swept across her cheekbone, several claw marks with blood running from her temple, the rest of her looked highly disvelved and ontop of that the glass had cut her in several places, her wrist was bent slightly along with a few fingers; I could only pray that I broke it. "See even when you think he will choose you at the end of the day he' s in my bed at the end" now that really set me off, summonin strength I didnt know I posessed I threw all my momentum foward and broke out of adams hold, aiming all my force and hatred toward her my fist flew to her face, and blood gushed out of her crushed nose, snatching her from Banes hold we were back at it again more furiously.

Latching onto her bad wrist I gripped it as hard as I could and pulled not satisfied till I heard a sharp crack, screeching she swiped at me with her nails, tearing into my face. Letting her go I kneed her abdonmen, before my hands found her throat in which i pressed firmly as she tried to do the same to mine. Ripping me away feverously Adam dragged me me into the house, and Bane in the opposite direction with his "mate". Tossing me on the couch he used his alpha tone to calm me down, from the rage that was coursing though my body, feeling the adrenaline and anger leave he just stared at me "cassandra what th-" cutting him off I clenched my fist and stalked up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door closed locking it. Bitch had it coming to her, she doesn't deserve him, and never will. Taking a deep breath I gazed in my bathroom mirror, my lip was split twice; in the middle and side, three claw marks scored my face on the left side with a bruise blooming just behind it my arms had a few nicks where the glass had gotten caught, knuckles bloody and bruised, my ankle and back ached with pain.

Lastly, I peered in my reflections eyes, they were blurred with anger and flurred with internal and external pain worst off all was the twang of sadness. I knew she was right no matter how much i wished it wasn't, he was hers and at the end of the day hes the one he shared his heart and bed with i had to stop this, it was so wrong. Slamming my fist against the mirror it shattered, pieces glass littering the counter, blood with it.

Stepping into the shower I ran the water,I don't know how long I stood there staring unseeing as my tears mixed with the water but as I came out of the trance, the water was cold. Stripping of my drenched clothes I changed into loose dry ones that wouldnt irritate my cuts and bruises. Setting myself down on the window seat I looking out it was already sunset, several knocks sounded on my door, sometimes it was Adam others it was Aunt Karen none which I answered back.

Gazing blankly I blinked night time had fallen how long had I been sitting here? brushing the thought aside I looked onward to the woods and at the line was a wolf, Bane I knew for sure, nobody had eyes like his, which were locked onto mine. Turning away I closed the curtains making sure my window was locked so certain people couldn't come in (Bane). Laying awake barely in bed my body ached and protested, and thats when it sounded.

A howl from outside low and mournful ringing into the night, I know it was meant from me and yawning one word fell from my lips as i fell into a dark sleep.


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