nothing is what it seems anymore....

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Adams p.o.v

Racing down the stairs I stood frozen, slowly walking through the kitchen back to the living room, it looked like a tornado had gone through the house "what happened here?" hearing a loud crash of breaking glass I dashed to the back patio avoiding glass i skidded on blood, wait blood? what the hell? Gazing to my right as I stepping though the broken door, I gazed to my right and there was Cassie with a fist full of Racheals hair bashing her head against the ground, allowing myself to gape a bit I yelled for Bane "what the fuc-" "grab Racheal I'll handle Cassie" I told him snatching up Cass I crossed my arms so she was locked against me still she struggled lurching forward tilting me off balance, by surprise "calm down Cass its over okay its done, stop".

Slandering Cass with a smart remark Cassie broke from my hold and swung at her while Rachael did the same. Hearing a crunch blood poured from Rachael's nose, ouch! damn.... meeting Banes panicked gaze we tried to separate them again but Cass had latched onto Rachael's arm and held it down with one knee and tugged with the other sending a sharp snap resounding, then straddled her trying to choke her out. 

Finally wrenching them apart we dragged them in separate directions. Tossing her on the couch she calmed down but stormed off to her room locking us out. Rubbing my forehead I sat down in one of the seats that wasn't turned over. I knew Cass hated her but she was going in for a kill what the hell was going on?

Bane's p.o.v 

Sending a sharp howl into the night I saw her turn away and shut the curtains. Walking into the kitchen I wish I had turned around, there sat my mother, Rachael's mother, the pack doctor and my father sitting there rushing over to me Rachael clung to me "baby look what that tramp did!" I had to admit Cass busted her up pretty good I was glad I wasn't the person on the other side of her wrath, Jesus.... "ugh that girl Bane I forbid you to affiliate yourself with her she's trash-" cutting off my mother I spoke directly to Rachael "Cassie hates you but she wouldn't flat out attack you the way she did, unless you provoked her so what did you say to her?" "Bane how-". 

Sending a glare my mothers way I focused back on my question "mother shut up, Rachael answer the question now". Putting her hands on my chest she looked at me innocently "I simply told her she needed to back off of you, and that she was a whore and needed to stop chasing after you like a lost puppy, I saw the way she looked at you the other night Bane she wants you for herself, shes a reject and she will always be one you need to cut her loose its not worth it" pushing her hands off my chest I gave her a disbelieving look "you disgust me, your selfish and self centered, you know nothing about Cassie at all you make me ashamed of being your mate".

"BANE! don't say things like that to your mate" standing up my mother comforted a crying Rachael "mom shut the fuck up your just as bad as her and your a hypocrite" I spat venomously "Bane do not talk to your other that way !" turning my attention to my dad i glared "like your any better, you all make me sick!". Stalking off toward my room Rachael clung to me "babe she's delusional and sick" pushing her off I slammed my door in her face. Laying down I tried to sort my thoughts, I couldn't believe I had that thing as a mate, but then again we never truly found out if we actually were, we just assumed that we were since I had some mixed alpha and beta blood in me and hers a dominate luna's.

Sigh, I hoped Cassie was okay, I knocked on her door several times but I hadn't gotten a response, I couldn't believe Rachael would say something like that to her. Cassie was like my sister sometimes it felt like more and it didn't feel wrong my wolf agreed but I knew it was. She needed someone better than me and it made me sad to think that way but sometime we have to do things we don't like that's life. But today I saw a side of Cass that I didn't know she had, she had attacked Racheal and she had tried to kill her and last night we had almost kissed. What the hell was going on with us now adays........

.....oh Cassie what am I going to do with you 

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