You're Always In My Heart

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  • Dedicated to Rhovine Alcantara

She forgot.

She lost him yet she didn't know.

She's on a search for the truth.

Will she remember?

He lost her.

He couldn't forget her.

He knows the truth.

Will he be able to find her?

Two lost souls who are in a search for the people they lost.

Two hearts yearning for the love they ought to have.

Two longing beings who met halfway.

When love forms between them,

What happens when the people they were looking for

Comes back?

Will they be able to fight for the new love?


Will they have to forget and move on with the reality?









"If the days allow us to see each other, memories will, and if my eyes can't see you, my heart will never forget you."


A/N: Hi guys! This is going to be a KathQuen fic. Obviously, because I'm a KQ fan. So no hate please. :) Thank you Rhovine Alcantara for the super beautiful poster!

I dedicate this to all KQ fans out there. :)

Writing this is a challenge for me since this is purely English. Hindi kasi ako marunong gumawa ng story na tagalog. Palpak kasi tagalog ko. I do hope you bear with my typos,wrong grammars,and other mistakes. I'm not perfect. Hihi.

 I really don't know if I'll be able to gain readers. But if I do, then I would just like to thank you for taking time reading this. 

Anyways, One Love guys! :)


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