Chapter 32

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I suggest you listen to Sam Smith's Leave Your Lover on the media box. I know I know. I love Sam Smith. HAHAHA


“I know you love me. I know you still love me.” His eyes were bleak as he gripped her arms.

It was an hour past midnight and Kath had run downstairs to answer the door, thinking it was her husband, who went out of town for business, only to be greeted by DJ who reeked of alcohol.

“What are you doing here?” her eyes widened in surprise.

“I know you love me, Kath. I know…” he had repeated only before tripping over the doorframe.

Kath shrieked and watched him for a moment before actually helping him up. He was laughing and grunting as he held the doorknob and leaned against the open door.

“You’re drunk. You have to go home, DJ!” she hissed as she let go of him.

“No. No.” he swung his arm to his side before bringing it to the doorframe to support him and prevent him from falling.

The chilly midnight breeze was biting Kath’s skin and she’d do anything just to go back to her warm bed and sleep.

“Look DJ, if you want to talk. Come back when you’re sober,” pushing him lightly backward, she held the doorknob and was about to close it when DJ’s hand blocked it forcefully.

She waited for him to say something but all he did was look at the ground and laugh. Rolling her eyes, she pushed the door but he blocked it with his hand again. He was silent but she could hear the small grunts he made. It was slowly annoying her.

“Let go, DJ! I told you come back when you’re sober!” she half-shouted.

He snorted at the ground. “When I’m sober? Come back when I’m sober?” He slowly lifted his gaze to her. His bloodshot eyes made Kath’s spine shiver. His gaze was intense and dark. Slowly, nervousness crept up on her blood.

“I came back, Kath. And I was sober. I was so damn sober that time, Kath!” he gritted through his teeth , his eyes never leaving hers.

A lump formed on Kath’s throat as she saw his clenched fists. Her grip tightened on the doorknob. She needed help. His gaze, his voice, and his presence were enough to scare her.

“I WAS FUCKING SOBER!” he growled as he slammed the door, startling Kath, who took a step back.

“DJ, just go,” she muttered through her pounding chest.

He scoffed and raked his hair through his fingers, with his other hand on his hip. He paced from left to right in the doorframe.

“See, that’s the problem with you, sober or not, you still  push me away!” he pointed accusingly at her as he took a step forward. He was already inside the house and it frightened Kath as she shuffled backward.

“DJ, if you don’t leave now, I will call the police.” She mustered to warn him with a wavering voice.

“The police?” he raised his brows and laughed darkly. “Where’s Quen? Where’s your good-for-nothing husband?”

The same question ran into her mind. She planned to call him but her phone was upstairs. Her heart was racing as tears threatened to fall from her eyes any minute.

“Oh, you’re alone?” he leaned closer to her and chuckled when she didn’t respond. Heaving a sigh, he groggily paced from side to side.

“Look at what you’ve done? You chose that son of a bitch and he just left you here all alone, by yourself?” he smirked.

“What do you want?!” she yelled, she didn’t like the way he talked about her husband.

Her sudden outburst made him stop from pacing. He glared at her darkly, “I WANT YOU.”

She felt sweat forming on her forehead as hot tears streamed down her face. His menacing tone disturbed her.

“All I wanted was you, Kath. You don’t know what I went through when you left me. I felt like dirt. Why do you keep on pushing me away?” He walked towards her, his hands reached out to her face.

With a thud, Kath was trapped between the wall and DJ. He caressed her face as he felt tears falling down from his bleak eyes.

“Let go of me,” she sobbed while gripping on his wrists, trying to pry them off of her.

“Listen to me, listen to me,” he hushed her as he held her arms to the wall. He pressed his forehead against her. She was struggling but she was no match for him.

“Let go of me, please,” she pleaded as she felt her strength dying against his.

“Shhhh…”he pressed his body against her, trapping her fragile body.

Fear rushed through her veins as she felt DJ’s breath on her lips. She tried to free herself but failed miserably. She wanted to scream but seeing his bloodshot eyes only an inch or two away from her told her it was best not to. 



I would really love some comments and your thoughts on this one *smiles sheepishly*

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