Chapter 29

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 “I love you, Kath.” It played on her head for gazillion times and her eyes never dried up. Leaning her head on the foot of the bed, she clutched her necklace tightly she could almost break it.

“I love you,too.” Those were the words she failed to utter. Her pain flaring up, squeezing her heart so tight she swore she could die any minute. She regretted everything she said. But there was no way she could take them back. It was then she realized, how she loved Quen so much. She dug a hole too deep it was almost impossible to climb out of it. Too impossible. But she has to try. She has to—for DJ.

Unloving him, hurting him, and leaving him—these were too arduous a task. She’d a cry a river for him and it would keep on flowing until the aches no longer breathe to live. She mentally scolded herself for fooling herself she wasn’t confused, she was certain—she loves Quen.

“There is always a light at the end of the tunnel,” his voice echoed. She felt numb. She couldn’t even move. Nothing. She laid on the bed and lived as if she was already a part of it. She couldn’t see anything. Darkness.Only darkness.But his voice. His voice echoed. Over and over again. He just wouldn’t stop talking.

“Someone will meet you at the end, just keep walking,” his voice was that of pain and hope. What was he talking about? Everything was dark. She felt numb. How could she even walk? Is he insane? And she’s alone, no one was gonna meet her anywhere.

“I’m waiting for you. I’ll meet you there.” His whisper sent shivers down her body—she’d never felt for a long time. Something soft and gentle touched her forehead. She felt herself stiffen as the sensation from her forehead alarmed every single muscle she knew she had. What was going on? Wasn’t she dead? What has just happened? She felt her muscle contract and relax simultaneously.

She knew the voice too well. She must have forgotten whose it was before but she definitely remembers whose it was now. It was his. The man who was always there for him.The man whom she pushed away oh so deliberately—Quen.


“I haven’t seen you for a while now,” Dalia said as she handed the Hans Christian books to him.

He eyed her for a moment before heaving a sigh. “I know that you already know, Dalia. No need to pretend.”

She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “I was just concerned, okay?” The thirty-five year-old maiden said.

He eyed her for a little longer as he stood by the counter. “I’m sorry. Thanks for your concern.”

She waved her hand in dismissal. “It’s fine.” Clearing her throat and fixing her glasses, she asked out of curiousity. “So uhh… what are you planning to do now?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll ask you out or something.” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed weakly.

“Why you little—“ she smacked a hardbound book on his arm and he winced in response. “Seriously, though. When are you gonna tell her everything?”

“I can’t.” He muttered. “The doctor said the other guy has to do it.”

“You’re kidding me!” she gasped.

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