Chapter 36

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“Shut up!” Quen huskily whispered. “Shut up.” The words barely made out of his lips as he gripped DJ’s shirt tighter.

Mr and Mrs Bernardo, along with Carmen, came running to them after hearing Kath’s wails. Mr Bernardo grabbed Quen and pulled him away from DJ. Kath rushed towards DJ’s side and helped him up.

“What on earth is wrong with you!?” Kath spat at Quen who was being held back by her father.

“Everything!” he yelled back.

He had answered what Kath had always wanted to answer but bit back when asked the same question. That was bold of him. But this was not the right time for admiration.

“Quen, that’s enough.” Mr Bernardo muttered rather calmly.

“Go home, Quen.” Kath muttered. Rage was slowly disappearing from Quen’s eyes and was instead replaced with sorrow. She almost choked on her own tears upon seeing his broken face. That was the last thing she wanted to see. Preventing the threatening tears from falling, she bit her lip and turned her back.

“I can’t—“she heard him say.

She wanted to ask why. She wanted to yell at him. But most of all, she wanted to wrap her hands around him. But how insane would that be? Consoling someone who just punched your husband right in front of you?

“I can’t, Kath.” He had repeated desperately.

“I can’t just go back home, Kath. It’s too lonely in there without you.”

Kath almost gasped. Was he really doing this in front of DJ and her parents? “That’s enough, Quen. We talked about this already. Drop it.” She said too coldly for her intention. She had regretted it. She truly did because the silence he gave after that comment was insanely painful. She tried hard not to face him and apologize and tell him everything was going to be okay. She could just leave DJ and be with him. Just like what she had truly wanted. But who was she kidding?

She brought her eyes to DJ who was just watching her. No sign of anger or jealousy. They were plain black orbs boring into her soul. She couldn’t read him and that was enough to conclude it was time to go home. But DJ held her arm.

“Let’s go home, DJ.” She said, her eyes brimming with tears.

“Tell him.”

“Tell him what?” she was confused.

“Tell him what you want to tell him.”

Her mouth gaped. Could she be wrong if she thought DJ wanted her to tell Quen how much she loved him and she was more than willing to leave her husband for him? Could she be wrong if she thought DJ was giving her the chance to be with someone she wanted to be with and not someone she thought she must be with? But could she really be wrong at all?

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