Chapter 11

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Days, even weeks, passed and Kath’s routine has been modified into being an instant mom.

She made it to a point that she was hands-on in parenting when it comes to baby Grace. She feels like this is how Grace’s real mother would do and this is what she would do if she had a child.

Most of her mornings were spent at Quen’s house. Babysitting, parenting, doing household chores and even recreating the space, just what she said.

Quen was overly fond at how Kath was really serious in becoming a mother. Kath’s parents were fine with it since it keeps Kath busy and happy. Although there would be times where Kath would space out and think about her husband, it has been lessened ever since Baby Grace came into her life.

She would help out at the Blue Moon Cafe during MWF, at her parent’s resort every TTh, and with baby Grace and Quen on Sat and Sun. They go to Dalia’s library every Sunday after church and borrow books which Kath reads to Grace. Her whole week definitely was jam-packed.

Dr. Guzman, Kath’s psychiatrist, agreed to all these. She said that she has been improving bit by bit. Kath has already come to remember her grade school classmates up to high school classmates and friends whom she meets every once in a while. She slowly became the jumpy and friendly Kath she was before. Everybody was glad to see Kath living her life full of smiles.

One thing they didn’t know was Kath has been having nightmares about her accident. In her sleep she would hear voices talking to her, which she infers as people’s voices who visited her when she was still in coma.

She was still haunted with the loss of her husband. Her memory was not sufficient to make her remember him even during her nightmares. It would always be about the glaring lights, the deafening crash, and the terrifying fear and pain.

Still, she held on to the thought that she will remember him.


Just patience.

She has been told by Dr. Guzman that the most important memory would always be the last one that she would remember. She just chose to keep her silence about her misery.

Quen, however, never spoke about her wife since then. Kath never forced him to. She thinks that he’s also in the same situation with her. Trying to search for their loved ones in silence. And she prays every night that they would someday find the ones they lost.

Manang Fe, was out for three days which left Kath and Quen busy babysitting and housekeeping at the same time. They would take turns in going to the coffee shop to work and staying at home to babysit and housekeep.

During the first day since Manang Fe left, Kath was the one who stayed in Quen’s house while Quen had to work at the cafe.

She spent the whole morning cleaning the house. Quen’s house was brighter than before since Kath took over. The sunlight was permitted inside the house which made the house lighter and warmer. Kath went up the second floor and started cleaning Baby Grace’s room. It was the only room that she has entered ever since. She never dared to open the three other doors even though they weren’t locked. Though she has been going in and out of Quen’s house for a long time already, she still thinks that she doesn’t own the house thus reserving no right to evade the privacy of the house (which is the other rooms). She then proceeded to gardening and arranging the pots on the hanging garden.

After lunch with baby Grace, Kath took her out to the veranda for fresh air. There she started reading her books while she sat on a rocking chair with Grace on her lap. Sasha lazily lied on the floor as if listening to Kath.

They started off with a tale of a mouse who always forgets then moved on to the tale of a mermaid who met and befriended a young lad then moved on to....until they both snoozed off. So did Sasha.

The breeze coming from the shore was rocking the chair lightly as the two dozed off to dreamland while hugging each other. They stayed like that for the next 2 hours.

While the two were resting peacefully at the veranda, Quen arrived from the cafe with his driver, Tim. He was as tall as Quen with lean body. He had a black curly hair and was unshaved. He looked like he was in his 30s.

“Kuya Tim, you can go home now. Thank you! I’ll call you when I need you,” Quen patted his driver’s shoulder who lives just a few houses from his.

“Okay Quen. You take care!” Tim nodded as he threw the keys at Quen after parking it in front of the house.

Quen caught the keys and nodded as he watched Tim make his way home.

As soon as he entered the house, a scent of lavender and fresh soil diffused in the air.

“Kath must have done some gardening,” he muttered.

He dropped the keys on the coffee table and walked towards the veranda.

He saw Kath in the rocking chair facing the beach.

“You must be really tired, Kath. I –“ He stopped when he noticed that Kath and Baby Grace were sleeping.

He glanced at Sasha, who was fast asleep too then back to Kath and Grace.

A curve formed in his lips as he bent down in front of them.

Strands of hair were covering Kath’s face because of the wind while Baby Grace was comfortably curled on her lap. He removed the strands of hair on her face and inserted it behind her ear. He couldn’t help but smile at how adorable and peaceful they looked.

He took out his phone and decided to take a photo of them.

He stared at the photo and muttered, “Just like angels.”

He noticed something moving on his side. He turned and saw Sasha, who just woke up, walk towards him wagging its tail.

He rubbed Sasha’s fur as the dog licked him enthusiastically.

“Looks like you also got tired watching over them, eh?” he grinned.

The dog licked him even more instead of barking as if it knew that it has to be quiet.


A/N: I'm so sorry for being MIA. School happened :)

But you guys are still there,right? say yeeees! hahaha

since I feel guilty of not updating since last week.

I'll be posting Chapter 12 too...yes, right now! 

Thank you everyone and please don't forget to leave a comment if you want and vote too, if you want.

Thank you Thank Thank you!!! :))

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